UPSC Prelims Cut-Off 2023

The UPSC Prelims 2023 took place on May 28, 2023. It’s crucial to note that only candidates  who scored above the UPSC Prelims cut off marks in the question papers qualified for  the Mains stage of the exam. Now, let’s look at the UPSC cut off 2023 marks for different  categories:

UPSC Cut Off – IAS Prelims 2023

IAS Cutoff Table
Category 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
General 75.41 88.22 87.54 92.51 98
OBC 74.75 87.54 89.12 89.12 95.34
ST 47.82 69.35 70.71 68.71 77.34
SC 59.25 74.08 75.41 74.84 82.00
PWD 1 40.40 49.84 68.02 70.06 53.34
PWD 2 47.13 58.59 67.33 63.94 44.66
PWD 3 40.40 40.40 43.09 40.82 61.34
PWD 5 33.68 41.76 45.80 42.86 61.34
EWS 68.02 82.83 80.14 77.55 90.00

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