WBCS Syllabus 2025(Revised)-New Exam Pattern

Are you preparing for the WBCS exam? Then, you must know about the WBCS syllabus. The West Bengal Public Service Commission sets it every year. So, you must check it out before appearing for the exam

The WBCS (West Bengal Civil Service) 2025 syllabus has undergone significant changes compared to previous years. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the new structure:


  • Two Papers:
    1. GS Paper 1 (General Studies): This will cover a wide range of subjects such as History, Geography, Polity, Economy, Science & Technology, Current Affairs, and General Knowledge.
    2. GS Paper 2: Newly introduced, this paper will likely assess topics such as Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Comprehension, and possibly other skill-based sections.

Both papers are objective in nature and aim to screen candidates for the Mains.


The new format is more descriptive than before. Key changes include:

  • Descriptive Answer Writing: Candidates will now have to write detailed answers across multiple subjects. This shift emphasizes a deeper understanding of topics and the ability to express ideas clearly.
  • The number of optional subjects may remain the same, but the approach to answering will now demand better articulation and presentation of arguments.

WBCS Exam Syllabus 2024

The WBCS notification 2024 outlines the WBCS syllabus 2025 details, released on March ,2024. The exam will take place in December 2024 tentatively. It will be under the administration of the West Bengal Public Service Commission.

All necessary information is available on our website for upcoming updates and events. You will also get the option to download the WBCS syllabus PDF. We have sketched further details on the WBCS 2025 syllabus below:

There are three tiers in the WBCS examination:

  • Preliminary
  • Mains
  • Interview

The best IAS Coaching in Kolkata will also help you understand the WBCS 2025 syllabus and the exam pattern of both prelims and mains. You must know all the details related to the West Bengal Civil Service syllabus to pass the exam. You can take this exam in English and Bengali.

WBCS Prelims Syllabus in Detail


1. The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers: viz. “General Studies Paper- I” and “General Studies Paper- II”. The Papers will be objective type consisting of 200 multiple choice questions. The papers will carry 200 marks each and each will be of 2 hours duration. The General Studies Paper will be a qualifying paper with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33 %. It is mandatory for the candidates to appear in both the papers for the purpose of evaluation. A candidate will be disqualified in case he/she does not appear in both the papers. The standard of papers will be of the level of knowledge as expected of a Graduate of any faculty of a recognized University.  

General Studies Paper-I will include Questions covering the following fields of knowledge:

  1. English Composition

  2. General Science

  3. Current Events of National and International importance

  4. History of India

  5. Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal

  6. Indian Polity and Economy

  7. Indian National Movement

  8. General Mental Ability

General Studies Paper-II will include questions covering the following filed of knowledge:

i) Comprehension

ii) Interpersonal Skills including communication skills

iii) Logical reasoning and analytical ability

iv) Decision making and problem solving 

v) General Mental ability

vi) Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, order of magnitude, etc), Data Interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc) -Class X Level.

2. The Preliminary Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only for the purpose of selection of candidates for the Main Examination. The Marks obtained in this Preliminary Examination by the candidates will not be counted for merit list rather will be qualifying in nature, only those candidates who will be declared qualified at the Preliminary Examination in a year shall be eligible for appearing at the West Bengal Civil Service (Executive) etc. (Main) Examination of that year.

The WBCS prelims exam takes place at various centres. It is held in Kolkata and a few other districts of West Bengal. Darjeeling can be chosen only by the Scheduled Tribes of the district. This includes candidates from three hill divisions: 

  • Darjeeling Sadar
  • Mirik
  • Kurseong

The WBCS Prelims syllabus includes eight subjects. It will have 200 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Each topic of the paper is assigned 25 marks. The duration of this WBCS exam is 2.5 hours. 

WBCS prelims is only a screening test. So, its total marks are not considered for final selection. The commission has stated in its notification that the prelims test the level of knowledge of graduates. They may belong to any faculty from a recognized university.

Take a look at the table below to know the subjects related to the WBCS new syllabus for prelims.

WBCS Mains Syllabus in Detail


1. The Main Examination shall consist of a Written Examination and Personality Test.

2. The Written Examination shall consist of Ten Papers of conventional type out of which two papers viz, Bengali/Nepali as paper ‘A’ and English Paper ‘B’ carrying 300 marks each shall be of qualifying in nature. 

3. Marks obtained in all the compulsory papers (Paper-I to Paper – VIII) and marks obtained in the Personality Test shall be counted for final merit List.

4. Each compulsory and Optional Paper shall carry 250 marks and shall be of 3 hours duration.

5. Candidates opting for Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ Services and Posts need not to appear at the Paper VII and Paper VIII.

6. The Written Examination shall consist of the following Papers:

Paper -A

Bengali/Nepali                300 Marks

The Paper will include questions covering the following topics:

Letter writing, Drafting of Report, Precis Writing, Comprehension, Translation from English to Bengali/Nepali, Short Essay.


Paper- B

English                             300 Marks

The Paper will include questions covering the following topics:

Comprehension of a given passage. Precis Writing, Usage and Vocabulary, Short Essay, Letter Writing/Drafting of Report, Translation from Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali to English. 


Note: These Papers will be of Madhyamik Pariksha or equivalent examination standard and will be of qualifying nature only. Marks obtained in Paper-I to Paper- VIII of only such candidates will be taken into consideration who obtains 30 % marks or more in each of the Paper -A and Paper- B. The Marks obtained in these papers shall not be considered for Merit List.

Papers to be counted for merit:

Paper- I

English Essay and Composition 

250 Marks

Paper -II

Tradition of Culture of Bengal


Comprising –

a) Cultural Aspects of Bengal

b) Art Forms including Folk Art and Music of Bengal

c) Literature of Bengal

d) Architectural Heritage of Bengal

250 Marks

Paper – III

General Studies- I

250 Marks

Paper – IV

General Studies- II

250 Marks

Paper – V

General Studies- III

250 Marks

Paper – VI

General Studies- IV

250 Marks

Paper – VII

Optional Subject Paper-I

250 Marks

Paper – VIII

Optional Subject Paper-II

250 Marks


  • The question paper will be of conventional type.
  • Each Paper will be of three hours’ duration.
  • Answers in all papers whether compulsory or optional, may be written either in English or in Bengali. 
WBCS Prelims Syllabus Subjects SubTopics
English Composition Synonyms and Antonyms
Idioms and Phrases
Vocabulary Test
Phrasal Verbs
Fill in the Qualifying Words
General Science General Appreciation
Understanding of Science
Matters of Everyday Observation
Experience as Expected from an Educated Person
Current Events of National and International Importance Events Affecting India’s Relations with the World
History of India Ancient
Geography of India and West Bengal Physical Geography
Social Geography
Economic Geography
Indian Polity and Economy Indian Constitution
Panchayati Raj
Constitutional Bodies
Indian National Movement Nature and Character of Nineteenth Century Resurgence
Growth of Nationalism
Attainment of Independence
General Mental Ability Logical Reasoning
Common Aptitude

The West Bengal Public Service Commission has mentioned the WBCS mains syllabus in its official notification. The shortlisted candidates have to appear for the main exam after the preliminary stage. The WBCS main exam has six compulsory papers and one optional subject that includes two papers. 

Candidates who appear for Group A and Group B exams have to take the optional subject too. Candidates in Group C and Group D categories have to take only the six compulsory papers.

These six compulsory papers and two papers on the optional subject will be of 200 marks each. The Commission also provides a list of these subjects as a part of the WBCS mains syllabus PDF. You can also get the WBCS syllabus PDF in Bengali. The duration for all the papers will be 3 hours.

Candidates can check the six compulsory subjects of the WBCS mains syllabus below:

Latest UPSC Notifications

WBCS Mains Exam Subjects Group A Group B Group C Group D
Paper I Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali: Letter writing Précis Writing Composition and Translation from English to Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali 200 200 200 200
Paper II English: Letter writing Précis Writing Composition and Translation from Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali to English 200 200 200 200
Paper III General StudiesI: Indian History with emphasis on the National Movement  Geography of India with reference to West Bengal 200 200 200 200
Paper IV General Studies II: Science and Scientific & Technological advancement Environment General Knowledge Current Affairs 200 200 200 200
Paper V The Constitution of India The Indian Economy Functions of the Reserve Bank of India 200 200 200 200
Paper VI Arithmetic & Test of Reasoning 200 200 200 200


Candidates can appear for the interview after passing the WBCS mains exam. The WBCS exam syllabus can help them prepare for the questions.

They get to meet the board during the interview. The board members have all information about the careers and interests of the person. They assess how well the person fits into the state services. 

You can connect with APTI PLUS to learn more about the WBCS syllabus. We have a broad strategy to cover all subjects for the prelims and mains exams too. Get in touch with us today to score well by knowing the WBCS syllabus 2024.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the syllabus of the WBCS exam?

The West Bengal Public Service Commission has already released the WBCS syllabus PDF for everyone which you can check on the official website. Moreover, the WBCS exam is going to be held in December 2024. 

No, WBCS Mains is not an MCQ-based exam. Instead, you get to answer MCQs only during the prelims. You can appear for the exam in English or Bengali. 

The WBCS and UPSC syllabus are not the same. However, there may be some similarities in both curriculums.

Yes, you can download the WBCS syllabus PDF from the official website of the West Bengal Public Service Commision. This particular exam has three main tiers. These include the prelims, mains, and the interview process. You will learn about these stages in the WBCS new syllabus. 

You must prepare yourself by following the WBCS syllabus 2024. You can also download the WBCS syllabus PDF from the West Bengal Public Service Commission website. You can also connect with APTI PLUS for the WBCS mains syllabus PDF. 

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