
How Apti Plus Academy Is The Best Coaching Institute In Kolkata And Bhubaneswar For UPSC CSE Mains 2

On 10th  October, UPSC CSE Prelims was conducted. Now, each of the serious aspirants must have entered Mains mode. Their minds will be clogged with the most crucial question that is how to prepare for the Mains exam?

On 10th  October, UPSC CSE Prelims was conducted. Now, each of the serious aspirants must have entered Mains mode. Their minds will be clogged with the most crucial question that is how to prepare for the Mains exam?


Mains Notification says that, ‘The main Examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual traits and depth of understanding of candidates rather than merely the range of their information and memory. The questions are likely to test the candidate’s basic understanding of all relevant issues, and ability to analyze, and take a view on conflicting socio-economic goals, objectives and demands’.


 ‘Mains’ assesses the quality of thoughts and  content of one’s mind. These will enter subconsciously into one’s answer sheets.


So the question arises what is the magical mantra to achieve this?






CSE Mains requires a SMART STRATERGY with the following key points kept in mind:

  • Learn in multiple ways
  • Read multiple subjects in one day
  • Take handwritten notes
  • Learn by association
  • Revise periodically
  • Simplify the information
  • Know what to filter
  • Read textbooks effectively
  • Don’t cram, understand
  • Cover all the topics in UPSC CSE MAINS syllabus and make sure you have static notes as well as a compilation of dynamic issues involving the topic.
  • Go through Previous years’ papers and make sure you write answers to all those questions.



Candidates have to choose one optional subject for the Main Examination. Apti Plus, the best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, offers such subjects which have maximum syllabus overlap/connection and strategic relevance with the compulsory papers of General Studies. These courses are meticulously designed to ensure content differentiation, score enhancement and completeness of coverage. Optional Subjects offered for the Main Examination are: Sociology, Geography, Political Science, International Relations.


Why You Should Join This Programme?

  • Makes you feel like you are inside Apti Plus’s classroom.
  • Systematic approach to syllabus completion via class plan
  • Targeted to crack the exam in ?rst attempt
  • 360 Degree Guidance: Learn, Discuss, Test, Revise
  • Guidance of this best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar acts like the lighthouses of the seashore.
  • CSE preparation needs a planned approach which is systematic & well designed and this best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar is too good at its execution.
  • Provides aspirant with the exam-oriented study materials and the direction of what all to read.
  • Instills competitive and fighting spirit, dedication and motivation for success
  • Very ecosystem of Apti Plus is enabling in the sense that it develops one’s cognitive skills
  • Covering Syllabus in Time Bound Manner
  • Continued Guidance: The ‘X’ Factor for Preparation
  • Broadening the scope of Improvement
  • The Edge called Psychological Advantage




Important aspects of answer writing


To begin with every aspirant should have clarity and have a plan in place regarding how much time they are going to contribute to each question (both in terms of thinking and writing down of the answer). It is always a good investment if, before starting to write an answer, one spends a minute or two to understand the required dimensions and framing the skeleton of the answer. Then one can write a logical and flowing answer in the remaining time. Few things that should be kept in mind are as follows:

  • The examiner should get bird’s eye clarity about how the answer is going to unfold.
  • There should be continuity and linkage between different parts.
  • Answering the ‘question’ rather than a ‘topic’
  • One common mistake often committed is that aspirant write too much about something or write too little.
  • Good Answer requiresneat hand writing, uncluttered presentation, underlining of key content (not to be overdone), heading of sub-parts, diagrams/ flow-charts.
  • Answer should consist ofinter-topic linkages, catchy terms, facts and figures, case studies/ illustrations/ anecdotes.
  • There should be a balance between one’s own view points on one hand and technical jargons, research studies, expert views on the other hand.
  • Answer should be written in such a way that it concise and consists of thoughtfully framed sentences and at the same time conveys a lot.
  • The specific requirement is indirectly indicated by aconcluding word. Eg: discuss, elucidate, critically examine. The meaning of each of these words is different and each of them has a different demand that needs to be addressed.



Under this initiative by the best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar, every day question is uploaded early morning and aspirants can upload handwritten answer by 6pm. Standardised evaluation is then conducted by the subject expert and detailed evaluation and feedback is provided along with the model answer.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Aspirants learn to write meaningful, relevant and succinct answers
  • Learn to logically segmentize the answer.
  • clarity of the thought process
  • learn to answer the ‘question’ rather than a ‘topic’
  • learn to answer with a good but concise ‘first impression’ and ‘parting impact’.
  • learn how to answer with uncluttered presentation, underlining of key content (not to be overdone), heading of sub-parts, diagrams/ flow-charts, inter-topic linkages, catchy terms, facts and figures, case studies/ illustrations/ anecdotes.



Apti Plus through its Mains Program offers that kind of conducive 360-degree platform which meets each and every requirement of the ‘LEARN, REVISE & PRACTICE, TEST, IMPROVE, SUCCEED’ mantra. One can ‘Revise, Practice & Improve’ and stay ahead of the curve with Mains Answer Writing Evaluation Programme known for its codified objective criteria, uniform standards and timely, constructive, personalised and practical inputs on all aspects of answer writing. The programme aims to develop an analytical perspective in aspirants and ensure continuous improvement using evaluation, feedback and personal mentorship. One-to-one personalised mentorship and trusted and expert guidance enables the aspirants to get their performance evaluated anytime from anywhere and helps them learn at their own pace.


Features of this Program:

  • Monthly 20 answers
  • Answer evaluation by experts
  • Get evaluated answers within 48 hours with personalized feedback
  • Source of question can be from anywhere
  • Monthly Fees: Rs.800/-
  • 3 Months Fees: Rs. 2000/- (total 60 answers)
  • 100% Refund Policy (if not satisfied)

APTI PLUS Answer evaluation is known for:

  • Codified objective critieria
  • Evaluation on uniform standards
  • Constructive suggestions
  • Timely, personalized and practical inputs on all aspects of answer writing
  • Experts who assess answers in a professional manner
  • Timely evaluation and feedback




The answer is very simple: through MOCKS!!


There are a lot of benefits of taking mocks…

  • help in overcoming the fear psychosis.
  • help in making management strategy for the real exam.
  • help in knowing ones’ strengths and weaknesses, doing self-analytics.
  • help in preparing topics which have not been covered.
  • provide extra vital information.
  • help in developing speed, refining the thought process.
  • help one to face the tremendous competition by honing their skills .
  • help one to tackle uncertainties, boost exam preparedness and improve ones’ score and rank.



Mains Test series has been designed so as to ensure not only content development and enhanced answer writing skills for the aspirants but also to enable them to develop multi-dimensional analytical perspective across all themes.  The mantra of ‘LEARN-REVISE-TEST-SUCCEED’ is followed. Programme focuses on building a strong foundation by starting from scratch and then achieving a step-by-step systematic and thorough coverage of the entire syllabus of the Main Exam. Tests have been meticulously structured to ensure that aspirants not only grasp the demand of UPSC Main Exam but are also aided in the preparation of Prelim Test. It provides them with a discipline required during the coming weeks, by developing deeper understanding of the topics mentioned in the General Studies syllabus. It will help aspirants master the art of writing answers such as structure and presentation, learn how to present knowledge with contextual, structural and language competency, understand the key words/context, approach towards attempting question, understand their current preparedness and identify their strengths and weaknesses and work upon them in a concerted manner.


Course Format and Coverage:

  • Course Validity: 365 days
  • Course Fees: Rs. 12,000/-
  • There will be 20 tests.
  • There will be 12 sectional tests covering the entire ambit of civil services examination syllabus.
  • There will be 8 full length tests.

Features of Test Series Program:

  • A clear-cut detailed schedule of the Tests.
  • Sectional Tests to ensure that aspirants can cover each subject comprehensively in sufficient time and can evaluate his/her performance through the tests.
  • Full Length Mock Tests to evaluate the overall preparation level.
  • Detailed analysis of Tests based on Level of Difficulty making it easier for aspirants to evaluate their performance that strategize their preparation accordingly.


  • Learn the key point of syllabus and be disciplined in your preparation.
  • Read the syllabus thoroughly.
  • Analyze the previous year papers.
  • Keep the sources limited.
  • Periodic revision is a must.
  • Do not attempt tests without preparation.
  • Sufficient time allocation for answer writing (via mocks).
  • Allocate the months and schedule your days and weeks well in advance.

What Aspirants Should Do?

  • Whatever that you read, try to summarize in your own words at the end of the day.
  • Dedicate an hour or two each day to practice answer writing.
  • Follow daily current affairs from a limited source to keep oneself updated.
  • Religiously and consistently follow one source of newspaper daily.
  • Pick up one test paper, attempt it and read all the solutions, highlighting the important ones.
  • This will help you in memorizing the content as well as condition you to attempt appropriate number of questions. Further, these tests would also add up as your notes.


  • Clarity regarding how much time they are going to contribute to each question (both in terms of thinking and writing down of the answer).
  • Continuity and linkage between different parts.
  • Answering the ‘question’ rather than a ‘topic’
  • Uncluttered presentation, underlining of key content, heading of sub-parts, diagrams/ flow-charts.
  • Inter-topic linkages, catchy terms, facts and figures, case studies/ illustrations/ anecdotes.
  • Balance between one’s own view points on one hand and technical jargons, research studies, expert views on the other hand.



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