IAS V/S IPS | Know the Differences



The Civil services exam (CSE), formerly referred to ICS is a nationwide competition examination in India carried out by UPSC for recruitment to various Civil services of India. UPSC recruits candidates for various crucial All India Civil Service posts in the IAS, IFS, IPS, IRS, and so forth.


These jobs are directly related to civil servants and are widely considered as the most prestigious ones and sought after in India. When it comes to making career choices, civil services jobs be it central level or state level, have always been considered the best career choice for graduates! A wide range of public service jobs gives individual greater power than any other service in India. Public service provides a rare opportunity to satisfy individual ambitions and participate in social welfare.

Indian Administrative Service (IAS)

Indian Administrative Service IAS
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What it is?

The IAS is considered the premier civil service of India and is one of the three branches of the All India Services along with the Indian Police Service and the Indian Forest Service. Members of these three services serve the Government of India as well as individual states. IAS officers are also deployed in various government institutions such as constitutional bodies, staff and line agencies, subsidiary bodies, public sector units, regulatory bodies, statutory bodies and autonomous bodies. The work of an IAS officer includes making policies and advising ministers on various issues, maintaining law and order, overseeing the implementation of state and central government policies, collecting revenue and acting as revenue courts, overseeing the expenditure of public funds as per the norms of financial decency and dealing the day-to-day affairs of government, including the formulation and implementation of policy in consultation with the minister responsible for the relevant department.

What are the duties?

The work of an IAS officer includes making policies and advising ministers on various issues, maintaining law and order, overseeing the implementation of state and central government policies, collecting revenue and acting as revenue courts, overseeing the expenditure of public funds as per the norms of financial decency and dealing the day-to-day affairs of government, including the formulation and implementation of policy in consultation with the minister responsible for the relevant department.

What is Career Progression?

The IAS officer’s stages of promotion are:


  1. Phase I Training at LBSNAA
  2. Training at the district level in the allotted cadre
  3. Phase II Training at LBSNAA which includes a week-long foreign attachment with one of India’s diplomatic missions abroad
  4. Central Government attachment at the nominal position of an Assistant Secretary for three months

On Job:

As the career progresses (from top to bottom)

  1. Posting as SDM/Joint Magistrate/Sub Collector
  2. Posting as Municipal Commissioner, DDO/CDO
  3. Posting as DM/Collector
    Posting at State Secretariats at Director/Joint Secretary level.
  4. Deputation to the Central Government can be opted for during any stage of service after serving for a few years.
  5. Principal/Additional Secretary in the State Secretariat/Central Secretariat
  6. Chief Secretary of a state
  7. Cabinet Secretary
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Indian Police Service (IPS)

Indian Police Service IPS
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What it is?

  • The Indian Police Service is a civil service under All India Services. It replaced the Imperial Police in 1948, a year after India became independent from the British Raj.
  • Along with Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and Indian Forest Service (IFS), IPS is one of the All India Services – its officers are employed by both the Union Government and individual states.
  • The service commands and provides guidance to the State and Union Territory Police Forces, Central Armed Police Forces (BSF, SSB, CRPF, CISF and ITBP), National Security Guard (NSG), National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Intelligence Bureau (IB), Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), Special Protection Group (SPG), National Investigative Agency (NIA) and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

What are the duties?

The Indian Police Service deals with the civil and criminal administration of the country, which includes national police administration legislation. The roles and responsibilities of an IPS Officer include implementing the policies that govern India’s domestic and local and state police administration. The main job responsibility of an IPS officer is to ensure that the people under their jurisdiction are safe and well-governed. IPS officers work with IAS officers to maintain law and order in the district. Some of the most important responsibilities of an IPS officer are crime prevention, accident prevention (social, economic, etc.), accident management, crime detection, registration for First Information Report, ensuring security in transportation of cash, taking measures against prosecution and recovery of stolen goods and providing permits for speakers, assemblies, political/religious events.

IPS officers are the bearers of law and order in our country. With their intensive training, knowledge, and power invested in them by the state, they are responsible for helping to run the country without chaos. After IAS, IPS is usually the preferred choice of rank for civil servants because of their active role in administration.

Career Progression:


Their training of is conducted at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA) in Hyderabad.

After the completion of training period, they are sent to their state cadres. In states, they get the designation of Assistant Superintendent of Police.

On Job:

  1. After the probation is over, the officer will get the Senior Time Scale pay. Here, he is promoted as the Additional Superintendent of Police in the districts. If he serves in any city at police commiserate then the post will be of Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police.
  2. As a Superintendent of Police, they are also responsible for overseeing the police’s financial collection department. An IPS Officer supervises staff to confirm all civil and criminal administration pending to the government (state, central or regional) is reviewed correctly and in a timely manner.
  3. The Joint Commissioner of Police works at the level of a secretary who serves as a special advisor and consultant to senior officers on major police policy issues and who provides guidance and solutions to the precise authorities with regard to these matters.
  4. An IPS officer is promoted to selection grade after 13 years of continuous service. In this grade, the officer will get the post of Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) at the district level. In cities, a selection grade officer becomes an additional police commissioner.
  5. After serving the police department for 14 years, IPS is upgraded to Super Time Scale. In states, officers of this range hold the post of Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG).
  6. In the IPS career path, they get the Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) after 18 years of service. At this stage of their career, they become Inspector General of Police (IG)
  7. An IPS officer becomes eligible for Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) after 25 years of satisfactory service. The officer will get the rank of Additional Director General of Police.
  8. Officers with brilliant careers and 30 years of experience can attain the Apex Scale. The Director General of Police (DGP) holds this scale because he is the head of the police force in his state. Also, the Commissioner of the Mega City Police Force will get the Apex Scale.

Difference between IAS and IPS:


During the period of the East India Company, the civil services were divided into three – covenanted, uncovenanted and special civil services.

  1. The Covenanted Civil Service, or HEICCS (Honourable East India Company’s Civil Service) as it was called, was largely made up of civil servants who held high posts in the government.
  2. The uncovenanted civil service was introduced only to facilitate the entry of Indians into the lower rungs of the administration.
  3. The Special Service included specialized departments such as the Indian Forest Service, the Imperial Police and the Indian Political Service, whose ranks were drawn from either the contracted civil services or the Indian Army
  4. The Imperial Police included many Indian Army officers among its members, although after 1893 an annual examination was used to select its officers.
  5. In 1858, the HEICCS was replaced by the ICS, which became the highest civil service in India from 1858 to 1947. The last appointments to the ICS were made in 1942.
  6. In 1861, the British Parliament introduced the Indian Councils Act, 1861. The Act formed the basis of a modern and professionalized police bureaucracy in India. It introduced a new police cadre, called the Superior Police Services, later known as the Indian Imperial Police
  7. Following the passage of the Government of India Act 1919 by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the Indian Civil Services – under the general supervision of the Secretary of State for India – was divided into two parts, the All India Services and the Central Services.The Indian Civil Service was one of the top ten All India Services.
  8. In 1946, at the Prime Minister’s Conference, the Central Cabinet decided to create an Indian Administrative Service based on the Indian Civil Service; and the Indian Police Service, based on the Imperial Police.
  9. After the enforcement of the Constitution of India on 26 January 1950, the Federal Public Service Commission became known as the Union Public Service Commission and the Chairman and Members of the Federal Public Service Commission became the Chairman and Members of the Union Public Service Commission. service commission based on provision (1) of Article 378 of the Constitution.

Choice by selected candidates:

Being an IAS is the primary choice of most of the candidates appearing for the civil services exam, they choose IAS as the primary choice and IPS as the second best.

2021 CSE Allocation


2020 CSE Allocation


2019 CSE Allocation


2018 CSE Allocation


2017 CSE Allocation



  1. IAS training is conducted at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
  2. IPS training is conducted at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad, Telangana.

Cadre Controlling Authority:

  1. IAS: Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension.
  2. IPS: Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

Perks and powers enjoyed by an IAS or IPS officer:

Salary of IAS officers:

  1. According to the 7th Pay Commission, the basic salary of an IAS officer is Rs 56,100 per month.
  2. They are also provided with a range of other benefits such as travel and housing allowances. According to reports, an IAS officer gets more than 1 lakh per month in total salary.
  3. The salary of an IAS officer in the rank of Cabinet Secretary is around Rs 2.5 lakh per month.

Salary of IPS officers:

  1. The basic salary of an IPS officer is around Rs 56,000 per month and increases with rank.
  2. Every IPS officer gets a house and a car according to rank.
  3. Salary of IPS Officers as per rank
  4. Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) – Rs 56,100
  5. Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) – Rs 67,700
  6. Superintendent of Police (SP) – Rs 78,800
  7. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) – Rs 1,18,000
  8. Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) – Rs 1,31,000
  9. Inspector General of Police (IGP)- Rs 1,44,200
  10. Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) – Rs 2,05,400
  11. Director General of Police (DGP) – Rs 2,25,000

Pay Bands:

  1. Different pay bands have been fixed for IAS and IPS officers. These include Junior Scale, Senior Scale and Super Time Scale.
  2. Apart from basic pay and grade pay, they get Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Medical Allowance and Transport Allowance.
  3. They have many facilities according to their pay grade, including house, cook and other staff. IAS and IPS officers will also get a car and a driver.


  • IAS or IPS officers enjoy lifetime pensions and retirement benefits.


  1. IAS officer of an area is superior to the IPS of that area.
  2. IPS officer reports to the IAS of the area


  1. There is no special uniform for IAS officers.
  2. IPS have to wear uniforms according to their rank.

How to become IAS or IPS?


The UPSC CSE in India is a nationwide competitive examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Via the Civil Services Examination, the UPSC recruits candidates for various Central and All India Civil Service posts in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Revenue Service (IRS), etc.

How to ace UPSC CSE?


Aptiplus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE, Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata, Best UPSC Coaching in Kolkata, Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best UPSC coaching in  Bhubaneswar and best online UPSC CSE preparation, coupled with the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN

What makes Apti plus the best IAS coaching or best IPS coaching in Kolkata and Bhubaneswar? 

Integrated Teaching Approach

To ensure that it provides the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar,Aptiplus follows an integrated teaching approach that not only makes the aspirants shine in UPSC, WBCS, OPSC but also ensures that they are listed as top achievers.

Aptiplus has scientifically designed a standardized teaching methodology to ensures perfect coaching by its faculty members. The teaching methodology is holistic, novel, innovative and regularly updated thereby generating excellent classroom discussions. Students are encouraged to interact and participate more and more to establish a learning competitive environment as is expected while preparing for UPSC/WBCS/OPSC OAS exams. To ensure that it provides the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar, the entire curriculum is designed and planned before the course starts.  This also makes sure that the content delivered is of the highest standard and the syllabus is covered in the stipulated time.

Well Qualified Faculty 

With a large pool of dedicated, highly qualified, and experienced faculty members coupled with a time-tested and regularly updated pedagogy, Aptiplus ensures that its faculty walks the extra mile to ensure that the aspirants be it of UPSC/WBCS/OPSC OAS do not miss getting the highest benchmark in these competitive exams and thereby get the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar.

Good Track Record of Results

Aptiplus has had the honours to produce top ranks in recent years’ AIR 9, 29, 43, and 50 in CSE 2021 (4 selections in the top 50). Total 45+ selections. This best OPSC OAS coaching in Bhubaneswar has produced top ranks such as 1, 2 and 4 (7 in top 10, 14 in top 20) in OPSC OAS 2020. Total 305+ selections. Further, this best WBCS  coaching in Kolkata produced high ranks such as 5th, 6th and 17th in WBCS 2018.

Apti Plus is being ranked as the Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and  Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar by oureducation.in & civilserviceindia.com.

Doubt Clearance Sessions

Aptiplus, the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar, ensures that the aspirants are provided with doubt-clearing sessions at regular intervals. These can be during or after the lecture sessions or special sessions can be arranged too.

Regular Tests and Assignments

Aptiplus has a scientific system in place whereby aspirants are asked to give regular class tests for both prelims and mains. These tests give aspirants preparing at Aptiplus a remarkable edge over others. Regular class tests and assignments are highlights of any institute providing the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar and they ensure that the aspirants concentrate on two of the most important factors necessary to crack the toughest exam in India that are subject knowledge and regular practice. These regular class tests help the aspirants not only learn new concepts but help them revising, doing SWOT analysis and help them reduce errors, enhance concentration, improve their performance, and above all ensure selection in UPSC CSE/WBCS/OPSC OAS.

Motivational Sessions 

Aptiplus is known for organising regular seminars in colleges, Toppers’ Talk, and Regular visits by senior civil servants from time to time to inspire students. The management team makes sure that each aspirant gets personalised motivation to face UPSC CSE/WBCS/OPSC OAS confidently.

Disciplined and Exam-centric Learning Environment

Aptiplus is known for its core values and follows proper work ethics and has a competitive learning environment where aspirants not only learn but also grow. This best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar has motivated and guided thousands of UPSC/WBCS/OPSC OAS aspirants, who are serving the nation as eminent civil servants.

Aptiplus Network

Aptiplus is a leading institute for UPSC and WBCS coaching in Kolkata and UPSC and OPSC OAS coaching in Bhubaneswar. Its 15 years of experience, thousands of selections in UPSC CSE/ WBCS/OPSC OAS and a base of thousands of students every year have made it the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar. Aptiplus has three centres out of which two are in Kolkata (Salt Lake and Elgin Road) and one is in Bhubaneswar (JaydevVihar). All the centres are well accessible by all means of transport. Location convenience is a very important factor for travelling IAS aspirants as they do not like to waste time.

Personalized Attention

Another trait of this the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar is its mentorship programs. The aspirants are not only provided with in-house personalised counselling all the time, but the institute is nationally renowned for its personalised mentorship programmes such as SUPER 20, OMS etc.

Comprehensive Study Material

To ensure that the aspirants do not miss getting the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar, Aptiplus ensures that its study material is not only comprehensively curated but also regularly updated by subject matter experts that help in empowering the aspirants with an in-depth understanding of the entire syllabus to help them stay ahead of the curve.

Digital Learning Programs

The feedback from the students of this Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar has been excellent for the online courses and the institute is constantly striving to provide even better education to the students for UPSC Coaching in Kolkata and IAS Preparation in Bhubaneswar.

In the times of COVID, the institute remained committed and stood by all aspirants and developed a virtual classroom program and implemented Advanced Learning Management System where the best quality of education is delivered directly to the home through India’s best educators.

Comprehensive Testing System

At Aptiplus, the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar, to ensure that all the aspects of learning, revising, evaluation, improvement and success are met, the aspirants are exposed to different types of test segments viz, Regular class Tests, weekly Tests, surprise tests, sectional tests,  Full Length Tests, PYQ Tests, current affairs tests and All India Open Mocks. These are conducted to give students first-hand experience of the real exam environment.

Answer Writing Sessions:

In order to bring the best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar, Aptiplus provides aspirants with the guidance to master the art of answer writing. This includes daily initiatives, assignments, personalized Feedback & expert advice through regular sessions and discussions

Enabling Infrastructure 

This best IAS coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and best IAS coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar is not only known for producing top ranks in recent years and for its highest academic standards, distinguished faculty, illustrious alumni but also for modern infrastructure. Library facility is available to the regular students. Large numbers of books and journals useful for Civil Service aspirants are available which can be borrowed on deposit of requisite charges. Aspirants are provided with air-conditioned classrooms that provide a comfortable learning atmosphere. All the classrooms are expected to be well-lit and spacious.

Regular Monitoring and Reviewing, predetermined small batch sizes and prompt grievance redressal mechanisms are other added features.

Aptiplus, the best IAS Coaching in Kolkata/best IPS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar/best IPS coaching in Bhubaneswar have successfully created a positive learning environment for success by bringing together highly experienced and renowned faculty team from top coaching centres of Delhi, regular testing based on the latest UPSC CSE/WBCS/OPSC OAS pattern, continuous analysis of student performance and personal care personal attention to all students.

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