

The IAS mains exam 2022 has been scheduled to be held on September 16, 17, 18, 24, and 25 2022. UPSC Mains 2022 exam has nine descriptive papers, which will be conducted on the above-mentioned 5 days.

This post is strictly for the candidates appearing in Mains 2022.A serious aspirant ideally must have completed the syllabus by now. They would have practiced at least one complete test series by now.


With less than a month left for the exam, one must be dealing with an unknown unease in their heart and mind alike. The journey of the last one year or so has been very toiling. Yet, one thing soothing is that the moment each one of you have waited is almost here.


We have reached the point in the preparation which we call the “last leg.” What matters now is sustaining the hard work. Now is the time when a lot of people feel like giving up. There is a need to set the focus right.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Sustain your effort – one just one more month: Every year, we see how successfully – not the brightest – not the smartest – but the one who is able to continue his struggle for a longer period of time ends up winning the game.
  • Remain focused and maintain a positive attitude while studying.
  • Plan everything- time is money: Make a checklist. Then, stick to your To Do List. Extract accountability from self. Remember if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.Proper planning is most important for timely preparation and dealing with the study pressure.
  • Prioritise papers:
  • focus on ethics but because here dividends are always rich.
  • Focus on Agriculture and Security in GS IIIas it is scoring.
  • IR and Polity in GS II is scoring
  • Geography in GS I is scoring.
  • Follow the 4 step mantra:
  1. Sleep well: 6-8 hours a day.
  2. Start short sessions of meditation and brisk walk in morning.
  3. Eat healthy food such that you do not sleep too much. Avoid junk.
  4. Study for rest of the time.

The truth is, in these last days, the only thing you need to do is – studyHow many hours? As many as you can.Divide your time in packets of 3 hours and try to achieve 100% efficiency, less than that won’twork in these 30 days.Remember it is the quality of time spent and not the quantity alone. Hence, take short breaks of 15 minutes after every three hours of serious study. Relax completely when you take a break.

  • Prepare short crisp contenton 7-8 essay themes like Health, education, women, democracy, opportunity in crisis, globalisation, Indo-pacific, agriculture, climate change impact on India etc. Create short notes and list all IMPORTANT points (facts, data) to remember. This will help in quick revision before the examination.
  • Optional is king:allot at least 40% time to it.
  • Don’t be Complacent. Don’t jinx your preparation. Stay low key. Don’t think of becoming an IAS.Think of Mains and writing good answers. Then giving a good interview.
  • Revision is hard work and hard work is revision: Battles are won by courage. But competitive exams are cracked by revision. Only revision. And problem solving.
  • Write in exam like conditions atleast 4 FULL LENGTH papers before actual mains + you can also write past year papers.
  • Don’t quit near the finish line. Most people do: many arenot able to sustain the perseverance, the pressureor the emotional resilience needed to crack this examination.
  • In last two weeks it is only brushing-up through notes & flagged important problems with twist.
  • One must not start any new books at this stage. However, one can still refer to standard books for concept clearing. This stage should be utilized more for revision, practicing, understanding one’s strengths & weaknesses. Aspirants must take up Mock Tests in exam mode to develop ones’ self-confidence & exam temperament. Time Management is crucial.

Last 1 month should generally be utilized to consolidate one’s preparation by focusing on revision at a glance, problem solving and overcoming the weaker areas in preparation.  Please maintain social distancing as corona at this point of time will eat lots of time and effort. So, stay healthy and fit. Lastly, it is very important to keep the spirit high.


You have everything that one needs to crack this exam. Try completing the papers in exam hall. Rest will follow.

Remember, it is the relative performance that will matter on the exam day. This is a race, not a morning walk. So put in your best performance, run the fastest you can, and you shall have what you want.



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