Test Series Importance in Civil Services Preparation


Test Series Importance in Civil Services Preparation

Tables Of Content
Special features of Aptiplus’s test series:
UPSC CSE related mocks:
Aptiplus’s Integrated Test Series-The Best Test Series For UPSC Civil Services Exam:
Aptiplus’s Mains Test Series-The Best Test Series For UPSC Civil Services Exam:


” Learning is not complete without practice “

Are you a CSE aspirant? Then this article is for you. Excelling in CSE will help in getting you into the prestigious civil services of India. Preparing for civil services examination isn’t easy. The civil services examination is exhaustive, dynamic, unpredictable and covers all the topics extensively and therefore it is very important to plan and prepare for the exam accordingly. One also has to remember that no matter how much they prepare, they have to keep one thing in mind that the competition is against some of the sharpest brains in nation. One has to not only think smart, but the preparation for the CSE should be smarter. Dedicating one’s entire time to CSE preparation along with checking timely performance evaluation is going to help in the entire process. The smarter the aspirant prepares, the better his/her result will be.

One of the most important parts of civil services examinationis attempting the UPSC test series, online or offline. These test series are going to play a very important role in refining any aspirant’s performance. There are so many benefits of attempting these mock tests, particularly those by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam testseries in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series inKolkata or the UPSC mains test series inKolkataand the best Civil services exam testseries in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series inBhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series inBhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN).

  • Efficient time management:This is the first and most important thing you should take care of. Time is of the essence in CS be it UPSC CSE, WBCS, OPSC OAS and there are many instances where the candidate is not able to give his or her best in CSE because of this improper timing. This is the reason why you should write mocks. UPSC CSE/WBC/OPSC OAS will not be easy. You will have very little time to attempt questions. Therefore, it is important for you to use the limited time you have to do your best. Trying to attempt mocks more often will help you understand this feature. You may suffer from poor management at first but will soon begin to understand how to manage time. Both your speed and accuracy will increase as you continue to practice more and more.
  • Quick Results and Feedback:Immediate result and feedback are two of the most important things that will help you with your preparation. This way you will know what your weaknesses are and what your strengths are. Then you just have to work upon them.
  • Flexibility:Time is of the essence for every CSE aspirant and these mocks will not have a negative impact on your time in any way. You do not need to go anywhere else to try out the test and another good thing about these is that you can try the test whenever you need it. You can write exams at a time that suits you and this will help you save good money too.
  • Try to get tested more often:Since you can write these tests at a time that suits you, you can try these tests as many times as you like. The more you practice and the more you do, the more successful you are in the test. This test will help you to practice more often and try more questions. It is the best way you can know where you stand and how you can improve. The great thing about these is that you will be given a detailed report on how you are doing, time management and accuracy.
  • Increases Your Self-Confidence:Self-esteem has always been an important factor. Mock that you will try is nothing less than a real test and attempting it will have a positive impact on your performance. Most students start to panic during the test and this can affect them a lot. If you keep analyzing the tests from time to time, your confidence will increase.
  • Test series by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)is one of the best methods to improve one’s mains answer writing, improve the level of confidence and rectifying the mistakes in one’s preparation. It also helps the candidate in overcoming the fear of the exam and panic during the exam.
  • Test series by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)help you develop the skill required to tackle the uncertain nature of the paper. Few questions asked in UPSC CSE, WBCS, OPSC OAS will be such about which one may have no idea at all. However, a candidate with good practice of facing similar questions in test series will have an upper hand in tackling such situations in both prelims and mains paper.
  • Also, an all India rank in the test series by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)will help him/her in analyzing the true nature of the competition and evaluating his/her preparation level.
  • Once you begin to assess yourself by means of the test seriesby Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) for UPSC CSE, WBCS, OPSC OAS, you get to know both your strengths as well as weaknesses. The sooner you get to know both your pluses and minuses, the better it is.
  • In order to fulfill your aim to score well and rank high, you should know how to safeguard your score against negative marking by means of answering correctly. So, if you attempt the test series by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)as frequently as possible, the probability of attempting the question paper correctly by means of choosing the right answers even when you might be a little confused increase a great deal.
  • It is a well-known fact that once we know a challenge fully, we can make a far better attempt to overcome it in the very first attempt itself and this is exactly what test series by Aptiplus helps you master.
  • The test series by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)for UPSC CSE, WBCS, OPSC OAS helps you make an assessment of your competence among your peers.
  •  When you revise and re-revise, whatever knowledge you have gained while preparing for the exam, gets firmly registered in your mind. And the test series by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)help boost the process further.
  • If there is any shortcut to achieving high marks within a limited time in Prelims say 130 plus, then that is mock tests by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN).
  • Candidates will get extra vital information

Special features of Aptiplus’s test series:

  • RESEARCHED CONTENT: The content is based on latest examination pattern which extensively covers the entire syllabus.
  • BEST PREPARATORY TOOLS: Subject wise & topic wise Questions based on latest pattern, in addition to previous year question papers.
  • DEVELOPS TEMPERAMENT: will develop real time exam temperament of students before actual competition.
  • ADVANCE LEVEL: Problems are of advance level which will increase the solving ability of the student.
  • DETAILED ANALYSIS: will provide systematic assessment & feedback of student’s performance which will help them in identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Material and tests prepared by pool of expert faculties.

UPSC CSE related mocks:

Mocks to clear the exam:

Mocks are nothing but practice/trials that one takes before the final battle.

Open UPSC Prelims Mock Tests: (free of cost)

Gauge Your Preparation, Ace the Play and Reach Your Target with APTI PLUS Academy’s (the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, the providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2023 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) ‘PRELIMS MIRROR’: ALL INDIA UPSC Prelims Mock Tests 2023. Test yourself through biggest All India UPSC Prelims Mock Tests before UPSC tests you and find where you stand amongst the real competition.

Online test series for UPSC Prelims 2023:

Apti Plus Academy’s (the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, the providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2023 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) Online test series for UPSC Prelims 2023 is a stepping stone to crack the UPSC Prelims examination

Learn, Revise, Evaluate, Improve and Succeed by evaluating yourself before UPSC evaluate you!

Due to the dynamic pattern of UPSC CSE prelims in the recent years, it is necessary to reorient the strategy to changing needs of the exam. One of the flagship programs of Apti Plus this course has been designed meticulously ensuring extensive in-depth coverage of GS syllabus moving towards current affairs based tests and finally CSE simulation through full length tests. This makes sure that aspirants can handle the different facets of the UPSC Prelims Paper and be exam ready with all the ingenuities and expertise in order to cope with any surprise that UPSC throws at them.

The test series is structured and designed in such a way that it will guide the aspirants to comprehensively cover the key concepts and valuable information required for UPSC CSE from all important sources be it be NCERTs or the standard reference books.

Current Affairs based part of the IAS prelims test series will enable aspirants to cover, learn and evaluate themselves on all the important current affairs from examination perspective. These tests will cover all the important sources be it the newspapers, government sources like websites, magazines, reports, acts, schemes, international standard sources etc. Finally, the full length tests under this IAS prelims test series program will make the aspirants exam ready by training them in simulated UPSC environment.

Decimate UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 with full length tests, tests on PYQs and current affair tests. Curated by India’s most adroit professionals & renowned academicians with vast experience in UPSC. Increase marks through in-depth analysis & corrective measures and Detailed Test Report with All India Ranking. Full flexibility as aspirants can take Tests anytime and anywhere. Closely Aligned to UPSC SyllabusUnderstand requirements & prepare effectively according to the demands of the examinationDon’t miss out any topics of the Syllabus & get complete coverage

Also available are subject wise tests under the STEP UP Programme 2023

Aptiplus’s Integrated Test Series-The Best Test Series For UPSC Civil Services Exam:

Choosing the right Test Series Programme is crucial for success in the UPSC examination. Integrated Testing accommodates all the phases of UPSC under the same roof and inculcates a deeper understanding of the syllabus. They easily fit in our pockets and provide effective results too. Keeping this in view, APTI PLUS Academy has meticulously structured its Integrated Test Series (ITS) Program for CSE 2023 in order to provide a real-time exam experience to the aspirants. With an in-depth coverage of the syllabus, the tests have been designed to cover the entire static and current portions comprehensively. The tests strictly adhere to the latest UPSC trends and patterns.

Daily Prelims Mini Test:

Aptiplus Academy which is rightly said as the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2022 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN provides this section which contains MCQs from newspapers like The Hindu, Indian Express as well as from the static subjects on rotational basis. Solving these everyday will help you in revising the daily news as well as it will sharpen your elimination skills which are extremely important for prelims. Solving these MCQ’s will help you both in understanding as well as remembering what is important in terms of exam perspective. The questions level are up to the UPSC and special attention is given to cover as many area as possible that can be asked in UPSC Prelims Examination. For the better understanding explanations are provided in detail for students to remember. Solving daily quiz along with the Prelims Test Series can prove quite useful when a student will appear in the real exam i.e UPSC Prelims Examination.

Mains Answer Writing:

Apti Plusthrough its Mains Program offers that kind of conducive 360-degree platform that meets every requirement of the ‘LEARN, REVISE & PRACTICE, TEST, IMPROVE, SUCCEED’ mantra. One can ‘Revise, Practice & Improve’ and stay ahead of the curve with the Mains Answer Writing Evaluation Programme.

Mains Answer Writing:

Apti Plusthrough its Mains Program offers that kind of conducive 360-degree platform that meets every requirement of the ‘LEARN, REVISE & PRACTICE, TEST, IMPROVE, SUCCEED’ mantra. One can ‘Revise, Practice & Improve’ and stay ahead of the curve with the Mains Answer Writing Evaluation Programme.

Aptiplus’s Mains Test Series-The Best Test Series ForUPSC Civil Services Exam:

This BEST TEST SERIES FOR UPSC CIVIL SERVICES EXAM has been designed to ensure not only content development and enhanced answer writing skills for the aspirants but also to enable them to develop multi-dimensional analytical perspectives across all themes. The mantra of ‘LEARN-REVISE-TEST-SUCCEED’ is followed. Programme focuses on building a strong foundation by starting from scratch and then achieving a step-by-step systematic and thorough coverage of the entire syllabus of the Main Exam.

WBCS (Exe.) related mocks:

Prelims Test Series

The program by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)helps aspirants not only exhaustively cover all the standard sources but also steps up their preparation and brings it to WBCS level by multiple revisions and personalized feedback.

Mains Test Series:

One can ‘test their preparation, boost their score and ensure success’ by being part of this robust platform by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)that provides large number of mocks, detailed timely evaluation, comprehensive one to one feedback by faculty members and detailed model answers and test discussions.

OPSC OAS related mocks:

Prelims Test Series:

Entire static and current portions are rigorously covered in a rigorous manner to ensure a perfect recipe for the OPCS aspirants to hone their skills, give their preparation wings and boost their score in the Prelims exam.

Mains Test Series:

This test series by Aptiplus (the best Civil services exam test series in Kolkata, be it IAS Prelims test series in Kolkata or the UPSC mains test series in Kolkata and the best Civil services exam test series in Bhubaneswar, be it UPSC mains test series in Bhubaneswar or the IAS Prelims test series in Bhubaneswar, through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)is designed so as to help aspirants master the art of writing answers, understand their current preparedness and identify their strengths and weaknesses and work upon them in a concerted manner.

Practice makes a man perfect. So, Practice. Practice. Practice.

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