
UPSC Civil Services Mains result 2022 declared

Tables Of Content
What After CSE Mains Result?
Prelims 2023
Remember the basic rules of preparation remain the same
Online test series for UPSC Prelims 2023
Daily Prelims Mini Test:


On the basis of the results of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022 held by the Union Public Service Commission from 16th September 2022 to 25thSeptember 2022, 2574 candidates have qualified for the Personality Test (Interview) for selection to the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service and other Central Services (Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’).
Dates of Personality Tests (Interviews) of these candidates will be notifiedin due course, which will be held in the Office of the Union Public ServiceCommission at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069
total of 2574 candidates out of 13090 students who qualified prelims have been selected for Personality Test (Interview) round for selection to the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service and other Central Services (Group A and Group B).

Earlier, the aim of the recruitment drive was to fill up 861 seats, but now the administration has decided to increase the number of seats to 1,022.
Candidates, who have appeared for the examination, can check and download the result online on the official website –
Candidature of these candidates is provisional subject to their being found eligible in all respects. The candidates will be required to produce the original certificates in support of their claims pertaining to age, educational qualifications, community, economically weaker section, Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) and other documents such as TA Form, etc. at the time of their Personality Test (Interview). They are, therefore, advised to keep the said documents ready with them. The candidates seeking reservation/relaxation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD/Ex-servicemen etc., must also produce original certificate(s) dated earlier than the closing date of the application of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2022.
The Personality Tests (Interviews) Schedule will be made available shortly. The e-Summon Letters of Personality Tests (Interviews) of the candidates will be made available in due course, which may be downloaded from the Commission’s Website &
The candidates, who may not be able to download their e-Summon Letters, should immediately contact the office of the Commission through letter or on Phone Nos. 011-23385271, 011-23381125, 011-23098543 or Fax No. 011-23387310, 011-23384472 or by email on ( No paper Summon Letters will be issued for the Personality Tests (Interviews) by the Commission.
No request for change in the date and time of the Personality Test (Interview) intimated to the candidates will ordinarily be entertained.

All the candidates, who qualified for the Personality Tests (Interviews), are required to fill and submit their Detailed Application Form-II (DAFII) mandatorily. Regarding this, following provisions have been made in the Civil Services Examination, 2022 Rules:

  1. Before the commencement of Interview/Personality Test of the Examination, a candidate shall be required to mandatorily indicate order of preferences only for those Services which are participating in the Civil Services Examination-2022 and for which the candidate is interested to be allocated to in case of eventual selection, in the on-line Detailed Application Form-II (DAF-II). OBC Annexure (for OBC category only) and EWS Annexure (for EWS category only) is required to be mandatorily submitted. Any delay in submission of the DAF-II or documents in support beyond the prescribed date will not be allowed and willlead to cancellation of the candidature for the CSE-2022. A candidate may also upload additional documents/certificates of higher education, achievements in different fields, service experience, etc.
  2. In case of recommendation of candidature by UPSC for Service Allocation, the candidate shall be considered by the Government for allocation to one of those Services for which the preference has been indicated by the candidate in the on-line Detailed Application Form-II subject to fulfilment of other conditions. No change in preferences for Services once submitted by a candidate would be permitted. In case preference for none of the Services is indicated, the candidate will not be considered for Service Allocation.
  3. A candidate who wishes to be considered for Indian Administrative Service or Indian Police Service shall be required to indicate in the online Detailed Application Form-II the order of preferences for various Zones and Cadres for which the candidate would like to be considered for allotment in case of appointment to the IAS or IPS. No change in preference of Zones and Cadres once submitted by a candidate would be permitted.

Note-I : The candidates are advised to indicate preferences for various services or posts very carefully. Attention is also invited to Rule 21 (1) in this connection.
Note-II : The candidates are advised to periodically visit DoPT‘s website or for information or details about Service Allocation, Cadre allotment, etc.
Note-III : As per the extant Cadre Allocation Policy applicable for the Civil Services Examination-2022, the candidates who wish to indicate IAS/IPS as their Service preference are advised to indicate all the Zones and Cadres in the order of preference in their online Detailed Application Form-II.”

Therefore, in accordance with the aforesaid provisions of the Rules of the Examination, all these candidates have to fill up and submit DAF-II ONLINE only, which will be available on the Website of the Union Public Service Commission ( during the period from 08th December, 2022 to 14th December, 2022 till 6:00 P.M. failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled and no correspondence will be entertained by the Commission in this regard. Further, no e-Summon letter will be issued to such candidates.
No request for any type of change/modification of information given in DAF-I & DAF-II will be entertained by the Commission. However, wherever necessary, the candidates are advised to notify changes in their address/contact details only, if any, to the Commission immediately through letter, email ( or Fax at numbers indicated in Paragraph 3 within 7 days of publishing this Press Note.
All the qualified candidates are required to fill up the Attestation Form online and submit the same ONLINE which would be made available on the Website of the Department of Personnel & Training from the date of commencement of Personality Tests (Interviews) till the conclusion of Personality Tests (Interviews) on the link

Click to Know More

Therefore, all candidates qualified for the Personality Tests (Interviews) are advised to fill it up online within the prescribed time limit. For any query / clarification regarding Attestation Form, the candidates should contact Department of Personnel & Training on E-mail ID:,, Or telephone nos. 011-23092695/23040335/ 23040332.
The marks sheets of all the candidates will be uploaded on the Commission’s Website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result [after conducting Personality Tests (Interview)] and will remain available on the Website for a period of 30 days.

What After CSE Mains Result?

  • Aspirants who made to the list should not become arrogant. They must remember that it is a relative exam and even a mark can make adifference.
  • Aspirants who did not make to the list should never back down. Bementally strong to accept the result with poise. Without overdoing analyse the reasons forfailure(after seeing marks etc) and chalk out strategy accordingly. Be calm andcomposed. Do a diligent SWOT analysis of the syllabus, preparation, time schedule etc and thinkand plan accordingly with a new strategy.

Personality Test
The candidates who qualify the Mains Examinations are interviewed by a Panel consisting of Members who are usually Expert from different fields chosen by the UPSC. The unbiased Panel assesses whether the Candidate has the personality traitsessential for various Civil Services. Questions based on matters of general interestare asked in the interview. The Panel selects Candidates who possess the basicpersonality traits a civil servant is expected to have. Interview or personality tests for UPSC CSE is conducted for a total of 275 marks. Questions based onmatters of General Interest will be asked in Interview. Personality test assessescandidate’s personal qualities such as alertness of mind, leadership traits, power ofclear andlogical exposition, intellectual and moral integrity, and candidate’s range of interests.

Interview Guidance Program
In its endeavor to be your guiding light till you reach your destination of CSE 2022,APTI PLUS(the best online coaching for UPSC CSE, Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata, Best UPSC Coaching in Kolkata, Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best UPSC coaching in Bhubaneswar and best online UPSC CSE preparation, coupled with the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)brings to you it’sMOCK INTERVIEW PROGRAMME 2022. Learn to score 200+ marks and ensure your dream selection in UPSC CSE

To get questionnaire on DAF send DAF to

To Register:

For more details, contact us:

Heartiest Congratulations to all the UPSC CSE Mains 2022 successful candidates!!

Key Highlights:



  • Mock interviews are conducted in an ambiance which is akin to the actual UPSC interview.
  • Esteemed panel members consists of senior retired bureaucrats, personality experts and eminent professors.
  • Critical assessment on grounds of personality, general knowledge and ethical standards.
  • Guidance on the major shortcomings and suggestions to overcome them.
  • Post interview performance analysis is conducted by the panel members.
  • The recorded videos of the Interview sessions are provided for self-evaluation and analysis of performance.
  • How to present your personal suitability for a career in public service?
  • How to inculcate mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, ability for social cohesion and leadership?
  • How to methodically answer wide range of questions?
  • How to portray Emotional Intelligence?
  • How to maintain a positive body language and portray clarity of thought, understanding?
  • How to give balanced, honest, concise and precise answers based on logic, rationality?


High-quality revolutionized learning modules that have been rigorously designed to ensure that you ace the interview.

Volume 1:

  • Polity
  • International Relations
  • Economy
  • Social Issues

Volume 2:

  • Science and Technology
  • Environment
  • Art and Culture
  • Security

State-wise Modules:

  • West Bengal
  • Odisha
  • Delhi
  • Haryana
  • Maharashtra
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Karnataka
  • Telangana
  • Rajasthan
  • Kerala

Prelims 2023

The prelims exam consists of two parts: static and dynamic. Dynamic includes the current affairs based questions. Let us first deal with how to approach this part.

Aspirants should keep in mind that the current affairs from at least Prelims 2022 till April 2023 have to be covered for the prelims exam.

There will be two categories of aspirants:

  • One who have been thoroughly following Current Affairs both on daily and monthly basis and have been revising too. To further strengthen their preparation, they should go through the compilations of APTI PLUS’s (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE, Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata, Best UPSC Coaching in Kolkata, Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best UPSC coaching in Bhubaneswar and best online UPSC CSE preparation, coupled with the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) initiatives- IAS GAZETTE, Prelims Xpress and attempt mocks.
  • The second category is of aspirants who have not been able to read Current Affairs properly. They need not worry. Now is the time to clear their back logs. Make a plan and follow it to the letter. Go through the monthly compilations especially by Aptiplus (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE, Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata, Best UPSC Coaching in Kolkata, Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best UPSC coaching in Bhubaneswar and best online UPSC CSE preparation, coupled with the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN).
  • Always remember that Current Affairs is a very dynamic area. It is imperative for the aspirants to follow a well- crafted and structured strategy. For prelims 2023, the aspirants should attempt as many mocks as possible now and for mains should practice answer writing to hone the skills required. Also one should remember that to prepare current affairs and to develop linkages, conceptual clarity is a must and thus, aspirant should never compromise on referring to standard text books like NCERT.


  • There should be not a single topic of the syllabus which now should be left.
  • Basics should be very clear. Revise the NCERT and the standard books multiple times.
  • The key here is to do multiple revisions and keep giving as many mocks as possible. For example those by APTI PLUS (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE, Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata, Best UPSC Coaching in Kolkata, Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best UPSC coaching in Bhubaneswar and best online UPSC CSE preparation, coupled with the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)
  • Previous year questions become very important at this juncture. The best strategy is to revise a particular subject and then do PYQs asked from it.
  • There must be some grey areas of preparation. Resolve them at the earliest and strengthen your strong areas.

Remember the basic rules of preparation remain the same:

  • Revise and re-revise
  • Write more and more mocks and solve them like real exam
  • Integrate reading with question solving
  • SWOT of your performance and try to improve on the mistakes/ weaknesses and minimise them
  • Will make honest effort

Following the mantra of ‘LEARN-REVISE-TEST-SUCCEED’APTI PLUS (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE, Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata, Best UPSC Coaching in Kolkata, Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best UPSC coaching in Bhubaneswar and best online UPSC CSE preparation, coupled with the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) has already introduced Prelims Xpress Program, Prelims Test Series, Prelims Full Length Tests, Prelims Mirror (All India Open Mocks) etc.
Always remember UPSC exam is a rigorous exercise that requires continuous perseverance, hard work, practice and smart preparation to taste the success. Learning is incomplete without failure and failure is never a waste provided you make the best out of it by learning to overcome the flaws. And when you do that you win, you win big.

Open UPSC Prelims Mock Tests: (free of cost)
Gauge Your Preparation, Ace the Play and Reach Your Target with APTI PLUS Academy’s (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE, Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata, Best UPSC Coaching in Kolkata, Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best UPSC coaching in  Bhubaneswar and best online UPSC CSE preparation, coupled with the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)  ‘PRELIMS MIRROR’: ALL INDIA UPSC Prelims Mock Tests 2022. Test yourself through biggest All India UPSC Prelims Mock Tests before UPSC tests you and find where you stand amongst the real competition.

Online test series for UPSC Prelims

Apti Plus Academy’s (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE, Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata, Best UPSC Coaching in Kolkata, Best IAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best UPSC coaching in Bhubaneswar and best online UPSC CSE preparation, coupled with the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) Online test series for UPSC Prelims 2023 is a stepping stone to crack the UPSC Prelims examination

Learn, Revise, Evaluate, Improve and Succeed by evaluating yourself before UPSC evaluate you!

Decimate UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 with full length tests, tests on PYQs and current affair tests. Curated by India’s most adroit professionals & renowned academicians with vast experience in UPSC. Increase marks through in-depth analysis & corrective measures and Detailed Test Report with All India Ranking. Full flexibility as aspirants can take Tests anytime and anywhere. Closely Aligned to UPSC Syllabus Understand requirements & prepare effectively according to the demands of the examinationDon’t miss out any topics of the Syllabus & get complete coverage

Also available are subject wise tests under the STEP UP Programme 2023

Aptiplus’s Integrated Test Series-The Best Test Series For UPSC Civil Services Exam:
Choosing the right Test Series Programme is crucial for success in the UPSC examination. Integrated Testing accommodates all the phases of UPSC under the same roof and inculcates a deeper understanding of the syllabus. They easily fit in our pockets and provide effective results too. Keeping this in view, APTI PLUS Academy has meticulously structured its Integrated Test Series (ITS) Program for CSE 2023 in order to provide a real-time exam experience to the aspirants. With an in-depth coverage of the syllabus, the tests have been designed to cover the entire static and current portions comprehensively. The tests strictly adhere to the latest UPSC trends and patterns.

Daily Prelims Mini Test:

Aptiplus Academy which is rightly said as the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2022 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN provides this section which contains MCQs from newspapers like The Hindu, Indian Express as well as from the static subjects on rotational basis. Solving these everyday will help you in revising the daily news as well as it will sharpen your elimination skills which are extremely important for prelims. Solving these MCQ’s will help you both in understanding as well as remembering what is important in terms of exam perspective. The questions level are up to the UPSC and special attention is given to cover as many area as possible that can be asked in UPSC Prelims Examination. For the better understanding explanations are provided in detail for students to remember. Solving daily quiz along with the Prelims Test Series can prove quite useful when a student will appear in the real exam i.e UPSC Prelims Examination.


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