
Why Apti Plus Academy’s Test Series Is Considered The Best IAS Prelims Test Series In Kolkata?

UPSC CSE is the toughest exam in the country. It has a three-phase selection process and with a huge number of aspirants appearing every year, portrays the mind-boggling competition that requires the students to give their absolute best in the examination.

UPSC CSE is the toughest exam in the country. It has a three-phase selection process and with a huge number of aspirants appearing every year, portrays the mind-boggling competition that requires the students to give their absolute best in the examination.


The Prelims Examination is intended to assess the clarity of mind, speed, decision making, focus and awareness. Of late, the first stage of the UPSC CSE process has become the most unpredictable and biggest hurdle of acing this prestigious exam which is the gateway to the most coveted jobs in the country. Many factors can be attributed to this. The primary ones are the dicey nature of questions, fierce competition and low-selection ratio. At the same time, it needs to be remembered that this stage is just a screening phase, only a gateway to the Mains examination.


In its endeavour to be the guiding light till aspirants reach their destination of prelims, Apti Plus brings the best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata.


Why is it considered the best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata?


  • The basic mantra for success in UPSC Civil Services Exam is “Learn, Revise, Evaluate, Improve, Succeed”. Keeping this in mind, APTI PLUS Academy has structured its Prelims Test Series Program meticulously, with in-depth coverage of the syllabus and scientifically designed Tests covering the entire static and current portions to ensure improved learning outcomes and enhanced scores of the students which makes it best Online test series for UPSC Prelims. This makes it the best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata.
  • A stage-wise approach starting from extensive in-depth coverage of GS syllabus moving towards thematic and current affairs based tests and finally CSE simulation through full-length tests makes sure that aspirants can handle the different facets of the UPSC Prelims Paper and be exam ready with all the ingenuities and expertise in order to cope with any surprise that UPSC throws at them. The Online IAS prelims test series program helps aspirants not only exhaustively cover all the standard sources but also steps up their preparation and brings it to the UPSC level by multiple revisions and personalized feedback. This makes it the best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata
  • Aspirants are provided with an organised and carefully designed detailed schedule of the Tests under this best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata.
  • This best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata is strictly adhering to the UPSC pattern and standard, the nature of questions in the tests ranges from factual to conceptual, proportionally dividing in each of the Papers.
  • Options of MCQs in this best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata have also been arranged in such a manner that elimination tactics can be applied by students while solving questions.
  • All India Ranking and Detailed Performance Analysis of aspirants so that they can gauge their level of preparation and perceive their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Detailed analysis of Tests in this best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata based on Level of Difficulty making it easier for aspirants to evaluate their performance that strategize their preparation accordingly.
  • Last but not the least, there is comprehensive and complete coverage of the entire syllabus of Prelims examination in this best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata through MCQs pertaining to the exact standard of UPSC examination in this best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata.


How this UPSC exam test series helps the aspirants?


Aspirants will have the following major benefits at the end of this best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata:

  • No fear psychosis.
  • Will understand the nuances of the exam.
  • Better management strategy for the real exam.
  • Will understand their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Will get extra vital information.
  • Development of speed and refinement of the thought process.
  • Will be able to tackle uncertainties, and improve ones’ score and rank.
  • Will be able to undertake multiple revisions of the entire syllabus – both static (concepts) and current
  • Will be able to step up the preparation level and bring it at par with the UPSC.
  • Will be able to know about their strengths and weaknesses


Various courses offered under this best IAS prelims test series in Kolkata:



  • Course Duration: June 2021 onwards
  • Course Fees: Online Tests-Rs. 5,000/- & Offline Tests- Rs. 8,000/-
  • There will be a total of 60 tests.
  • There will be 38 sectional tests covering the entire ambit of the civil services examination syllabus.
  • There will be 5 tests on previous year questions.
  • There will be 7 monthly current affair tests.
  • There will be 10 full-length tests.



  • Total 60 tests have been provided at less than Rs 5000.
  • There are 38 sectional tests covering the entire ambit of the civil services examination syllabus.
  • There are 5 tests on previous year questions.
  • There are 7 monthly current affair tests.
  • There are 10 full-length tests.



  • There are 10 full-length tests.



For a UPSC aspirant, Current Affairs is crucial in all three stages of the exam. In the last 6 years on average around many questions have been asked from current affairs. Questions cover both basics as well as the dynamics part. Current Affairs doesn’t require any background knowledge. Questions are very doable. All an aspirant requires is a coherent strategy. To ensure a perfect score in the Prelims exam, APTI PLUS has introduced this program which ranges from sectional tests to build strong fundamentals and concepts to full-length advanced tests to make the aspirant exam ready. There are 7 tests for prelims.



For a UPSC aspirant Polity is crucial in all three stages of the exam. In the last 6 years on average, around 12-13% of questions have been asked from the polity. Questions cover both basics as well as the dynamics part. Polity doesn’t require any background knowledge. Questions are very doable. All an aspirant requires is a coherent strategy. To ensure a perfect score in the Prelims exam, APTI PLUS has introduced this program which ranges from sectional tests to build strong fundamentals and concepts to full-length advanced tests to make the aspirant exam ready. There are 10 tests for prelims in this UPSC test series 2021. There are 6 sectional tests covering the entire ambit of the civil services examination syllabus. There is 1 test based on the previous year UPSC CSE, CDS, CAPF and ESE exams. There are 3 full-length tests covering the Indian Constitution, Political System and Governance + Geography + History of India + Indian Economy & Social Development + Ecology & Environment + General Science + Current Affairs + Budget 2021 + Economic Survey.



Just like Polity, for a UPSC aspirant Economy is crucial in all three stages of the exam. Here also, questions cover both basics as well as the dynamics part. Like polity, the economy doesn’t require any background knowledge and questions are very doable. The course format and structure of this UPSC test series 2021 for the economy is the same as that of Polity (as mentioned earlier).



These high-quality revolutionized learning modules have been rigorously designed to ensure that you are ready for the examination and that you are able to manage micro detailing of subjects, tackle unconventional questions and handle negative marking. They will help you revise the whole syllabus multiple times effectively and also help you exhaustively cover the important themes, concepts and knowledge nuggets required from all important sources.



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