Why apti plus academy’s test series is the best opsc oas test series?



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How this OPSC OAS Test Series helps the aspirants?


Aptiplus, Best OPSC OAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best OPSC OAS Coaching in Odisha and Best UPSC Coaching in Odisha providing Best OPSC Mains Test Series 2021 and Best OPSC Prelims Test Series 2022 in conjunction with Best Online CSE Preparation Platform/ Best Preparation Website to Civil Services, IASGYAN, with a venerable legacy and national recognition for the highest standards and best practices in terms of quality of education, has been delivering phenomenal results in the Odisha Civil Services (OPSC) examination year after year. It has the honor of producing the best results in recent years at AIR 9, 29, 43 and 50 in CSE 2021 (4 in top 50). 45+ selections in total. This best OPSC OAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar has given top ranks like 1, 2 and 4 (7 in top 10, 14 in top 20) in OPSC OAS 2020. Total 305+ selections. In addition, this top WBCS coaching in Kolkata has yielded high rankings such as 5th, 6th and 17th in WBCS 2018.

It resulted in being awarded as ‘Best Civil Services Coaching Institute in West Bengal and Odisha‘ by Indian Leadership Awards 2021, ‘Best Civil Services Coaching Institute in West Bengal and Odisha’ by Global Education Excellence Awards, 2019, ‘Best Institute coaching for civil services in Odisha” by World Education Summit, 2018.

Odisha Civil services (CSE) exam is conducted by Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) every year for recruitment to Group A and B posts in various prestigious services like Odisha Administrative Service, Odisha Police Service, Odisha Revenue Service and others. Clearly, the exam is the gateway to the most prestigious services in the state.

OPSC CSE Preliminary Exam is a qualifying exam. Clearing the OPSC Prelims exam is mandatory and candidates who have cleared this exam are eligible to appear in the mains exam. The preliminary exam has two papers and the question mode will be MCQ. The total duration of the Prelims exam is 4 hours; 2 hours are reserved for each paper. OPSC Prelims Paper I is GS in nature. It includes Current Affairs of National and International Importance, Economics, Politics, Social Issues, History of India, Indian and Global Geography, Environment and General Science as subjects. OPSC Prelims Paper II is a CSAT paper that covers Comprehension, Interpersonal Skills, Decision Making and Problem Solving, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability, General Mental Ability, Mathematics and English Language Comprehension Skills (studied up to Class X).

Candidates who qualify the preliminary round will get a chance to write the mains exam. The main part contains compulsory written papers and optional papers, candidates have to attempt 5 compulsory written papers (including Odia Language, English, English Essay, General Studies I & II) while for optional papers two subjects have to be selected from the list of optionals. Each subject will contain two papers. The entire course content of the OPSC CSE Mains Exam is extensive and candidates must prepare thoroughly to score well in the Mains Exam.

In case of OPSC, Aptiplus’s (Best OPSC OAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best OPSC OAS Coaching in Odisha and Best UPSC Coaching in Odisha providing Best OPSC Mains 2021 Test Series and Best OPSC Prelims Test Series 2022 along with Best Online CSE Preparation Platform/ Best civil services preparation website, IASGYAN) regular courses and integrated courses and series of OPSC mock tests are provided which have been carefully structured to help candidates score maximum in the exam by honing their speed and accuracy. The entire static and current sections are consistently covered in a rigorous manner. These programs are the perfect recipe for OPCS aspirants to hone their skills, give wings to their preparation and boost their exam scores.

To ensure maximum performance in the exam, APTI PLUS (Best OPSC OAS Coaching in Bhubaneswar, Best OPSC OAS Coaching in Odisha and Best UPSC Coaching in Odisha providing Best OPSC Mains 2021 Test Series and Best OPSC Prelims Test Series 2022 is coupled with the best online platform for CSE Preparation / Best Civil Services Preparation Website, IASGYAN) has introduced its OPSC mock test series program which ranges from sectional tests to build strong fundamentals and concepts to complete advanced tests to make the aspirants exam ready. best OPSC OAS test series in Bhubaneswar as well as in East India.

Best UPSC CSE Coaching in Bhubaneswar-APTI PLUS Academy (Best OPSC OAS Coaching in Odisha and Best UPSC Coaching in Odisha providing Best OPSC Mains Test Series 2021 and Best OPSC Prelims Test Series 2022 in conjunction with Best Online by CSE Preparation Platform / Best Civil Services Preparation Site, IASGYAN) provides best OPSC OAS test series in Bhubaneswar. The program offers this kind of favourable 360-degree platform that fulfils every requirement of the mantra “LEARN, REVISE AND PRACTICE, TEST, IMPROVE, SUCCEED”. With this best OPSC OAS test series in Bhubaneswar, you can “learn and enrich” your preparation and be ready for the exams. With this program known for its codified objective criteria, uniform standards and timely, constructive, personalized and practical input on all aspects of answer writing, you can ‘revise, practice and improve’ and stay on top. You can finally “test yourself, increase your score and ensure success” by becoming a part of the best OPSC OAS test series in Bhubaneswar.

Considered as the best OPSC mock test Prelims series, a step-by-step approach starting with extensive in-depth coverage of GS syllabus moving towards subject and current affairs based tests and finally OPSC OAS CSE simulation through full length tests. confident that the candidates will master the various aspects of the OPSC Prelims Paper and be prepared for the exam with all the ingenuity and expertise to cope with any surprise thrown at them by the OPSC. The program helps aspirants not only comprehensively cover all the standard resources but also accelerate their preparation and bring it up to OPSC OAS level with multiple revisions and personalized feedback.


The preliminary exam is designed to assess MIND CLARITY, SPEED, DECISION-MAKING, MEMORY should be able to sort out what is required even in the foggiest of situations, FOCUS and AWARENESS. So any good test series should be able to inculcate the above qualities in the aspirants.

In its endeavor to be aspirant’s guiding light till they reach their destination of prelims 2022, Apti Plus(the best OPSC OAS coaching in Bhubaneswar, best OPSC OAS coaching in Odisha and the best UPSC coaching in Odisha providing the best OPSC Mains 2021 Test Series and the best OPSC Prelims Test Series 2022, coupled with the best online platform for CSE preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN)bringsOPSC OAS Test Series for Prelims 2022 with the motto “Prepare Focused, Take Mocks and Secure your rank in the final list!”


Attention OPSC aspirants! The much awaited Odisha Civil Services 2022 notification is out. Total 683 vacancies have been notified.
A cut above the rest….
Take a leap of faith to crack OPSC OAS with Aptiplus Academy-the undisputed leader in OPSC OAS coaching which gave record-breaking results in OAS 2020 with 305+ selections and 7 in top 10. Learn, revise, evaluate, improve and decimate OPSC OAS Prelims 2022 with the most reliable courses from Aptiplus Academy.

Why this course?
  • Helps students develop relevant skills needed to crack competitive examinations and helps them revise all topics.
  • Exercises students’ brain and give them a simulation of the actual exams according to latest exam pattern.
  • Focuses on a complete systematic assessment of a student’s preparation and helps them do SWOT analysis.
  • Helps them in mastering the art of Time Management & Accuracy.
  • Candidates will get extra vital information.
  • Designed to reflect the tentative score of students in the final exam.

COURSE COMMENCEMENT: starts 10th January 2023
MODE: Offline/Online



  • GS I + GS II
  • Important Static portion Discussion
  • Current Affairs Discussion
  •  Expected and PYQ discussion
  • Fees: INR 14999


  • 50 OPSC OAS level Mock Tests according to latest pattern and syllabus
  • 26 Sectional Tests (NCERTs + standard books)
  • 5 PYQ Based Tests
  • 6 Current Affairs Tests
  • 13 Full-Length Tests
  • CSAT Tests
  • Free study material on GS
  • Fees: INR 4999/-


  • Fees: INR 7999/-


  • Compete with the best
  • Extensively covers all standard books, Newspapers, Magazines & Government Websites.
  • Curated by India’s most adroit professionals & renowned academicians.
  • Comprehensive & thoroughly revised study material
  • Personal attention to every aspirant
  • Assessment and Evaluation done on regular basis.
  • 24/7 access: dedicated academic operations team provides feedback at any point of time

How this OPSC OAS Test Series helps the aspirants?

As stated earlier, this OPSC mock test series has been structured in such a way that can help aspirants prepare bit-by-bit in stages for the examination. Each stage gives candidates the chance to improve over the previous one and measure their progress. Thus, each stage can be treated as a step further in the whole staircase, which will gradually raise the preparation level of the aspirants, giving them the scope to develop the right set of skills to ace the Prelims Examination. Aspirants will have the following major benefits at the end of this OPSC OAS Test Series program:

  • No fear psychosis.
  • Will understand the nuances of the exam.
  • Better management strategy for the real exam.
  • Will understand their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Will get extra vital information.
  • Development of speed and refinement of the thought process.
  • Will be able to tackle uncertainties, and improve ones’ score and rank.
  • Will be able to undertake multiple revisions of the entire syllabus – both static (concepts) and current
  • Will be able to step-up the preparation level and bring it at par with the UPSC.
  • Will be able to know about their strengths and weaknesses

Is there flexibility in this test series?

  • All tests can be taken at any time in accordance with the level of the aspirant’s preparation.
  • The candidate may appear for tests in this OPSC mock test series at any time after the tests are released.
  • Tests in this OPSC OAS Test Series can be taken anytime till Prelims, after which the program subscription will expire.
  • But aspirants enrolling should keep in mind the fact that it has been scientifically designed and structured in an organised manner to aid the preparation of the aspirants. Tinkering, if any, should be least possible.


  • Gives aspirants an unmatched learning experience through its integrated teaching methodology, focused learning environment and technology enabled-education
  • Has set a new benchmark by producing the highest number of civil servants from Eastern India.
  • Ranked as the Best CSE Coaching in Kolkata and Best CSE Coaching in Bhubaneswar by oureducation.in & civilserviceindia.com.
  • IAS GYAN provides one-stop solution for all phases of the exam
  • Aspirants study in a conducive environment with appropriate classrooms
  • Experienced and Qualified Faculty Team with a proven track record of success
  • Structured courses
  • State of the art Infrastructure & Testing Facility
  • Student Care & Support
  • Robust Management System
  • Quest for quality is reflected in all their activities, in all their actions, at all times, everywhere.

The institute imparts the aspirants with value-based career education, abundant resources, and individual attention. Apti Plus(the best OPSC OAS coaching in Bhubaneswar, best OPSC OAS coaching in Odisha and the best UPSC coaching in Odisha providing the best OPSC Mains 2021 Test Series and the best OPSC Prelims Test Series 2022, coupled with the best online platform for CSE preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) very well understands that it has a responsibility to nurture ethical and responsible career leadership in the aspirants and provide a lifelong connection to ethics and excellence in the future civil servants of the country. With the advent of the Apti Plus Academy for Civil Services, distant dream of the aspirants from Eastern India to crack the prestigious civil services exam has become a reality.

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