
Why IAS Gazette Is The Best Current Affairs Magazine For UPSC CSE Preparation

In the last 5 years, the weightage and hence, the importance of current affairs in the UPSC CSE has increased substantially. That Current Affairs is important in all the three stages of the examination speaks volumes of the key role it plays in helping an aspirant to get selected and also be a better individual. The enhanced importance to current affairs has further strengthened the dynamicity and unpredictability of the questions in the examination which has led to fear in the minds of all kinds of aspirants- be it freshers or repeaters. The undefined nature and unlimited scope of the current affairs related happenings/events poses a dilemma to the aspirants as to what to read. Preparing for UPSC civil services examination is therefore a most dynamic task as the aspirants have to keep themselves regularly updated.

In the last 5 years, the weightage and hence, the importance of current affairs in the UPSC CSE has increased substantially. That Current Affairs is important in all the three stages of the examination speaks volumes of the key role it plays in helping an aspirant to get selected and also be a better individual. The enhanced importance to current affairs has further strengthened the dynamicity and unpredictability of the questions in the examination which has led to fear in the minds of all kinds of aspirants- be it freshers or repeaters. The undefined nature and unlimited scope of the current affairs related happenings/events poses a dilemma to the aspirants as to what to read. Preparing for UPSC civil services examination is therefore a most dynamic task as the aspirants have to keep themselves regularly updated.

There is a need to follow an integrated approach covering all stages of examination from prelims to interview. The preparation of the current affairs magazine is an evolutionary process as its nature and content keep changing according to the demands of the Civil Service Exam. Keeping these things in mind, Apti Plus Academy keeps on evolving itself so as to help aspirants counter the challenges put forward by UPSC.

What if there is a source that would sort out all this for the aspirants and provide them with a complete solution to the problems being faced.

APTI PLUS- Eastern India’s Top IAS Coaching has come up with IAS GAZETTE, its monthly current affairs journal, which provides a one-stop solution for all CSE aspirants wherein they get vast quality of high-quality content from every nook and corner.

It provides maximum relevant material from all relevant sources in a very constructive and concise format which makes the journey for a UPSC aspirant makes soulful and interesting. This is a resourceful medium on which aspirants can depend and have faith as always it is referred to and for each and every aspect of UPSC CSE preparation saving precious time and energy. This has been designed to help IAS aspirants clear the UPSC Civil Services Exam with utmost ease. Charles Mingus said that making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.

It provides a comprehensive study package for UPSC CSE. Its growing popularity is a sign of its quality!!

IAS GAZETTE: One Current Affairs magazine for all phases of UPSC

IAS GAZETTE: One Current Affairs magazine for all phases of UPSC

  • As stated Current Affairs form an important aspect of the UPSC examination and therefore it is important for the students to pay proper attention to the subject. Realizing the importance of current affairs, APTI PLUS started to cover the different facet of current affairs through different initiatives like: Daily News Analysis, Daily Editorial, Monthly Gist of Yojana/Kurukshetra/PIB, AIR – Discussion, RSTV, Mind Maps, Infographics, podcasts etc.
  • And lastly the most important asset: IAS Gazette. It is the HOUSE JOURNAL of APTIPLUS.
  • It covers a summary of all the above along with more than 100 Multiple Choice Questions. The facts along with MCQ will help aspirants for UPSC Prelims, the in-depth analysis of the topic will help for General Study Mains, Essay and Interview.
  • Every topic is illustrated with diagram, maps, example, case studies etc. which are relevant for UPSC Preparation and helps in easy memorization by UPSC aspirants.
  • The articles are written in such a way that it will also help students in developing the skill of answer writing.
  • Thus, this magazine will be a critical asset in the preparation for the UPSC Exam till one gets a rank in the exam.
  • The magazine is prepared by a well-experienced content team who are domain experts.
  • The magazine is available on the APTI PLUS website and it can be downloaded free of cost. Therefore it is recommended that student download it and revise the magazine multiple times to achieve success in all phases of UPSC – Prelims, Mains and Interview.
  • Sources covered:
  • The Hindu
  • The Indian Express
  • Live mint
  • The Economic Times
  • PIB
  • PRS
  • Government & World Reports (NITI Aayog, Budget, WEF Economic Survey etc.)
  • Hindu Business Line
  • NCERTs
  • All standard reference books 


  • The magazine is useful in all three stages of the UPSC preparation be it Prelims, Mains, or Interview.
  • For Prelims, it provides the factual details that can be used to eliminate the statements in multiple-choice questions.
  • For Mains, it helps the aspirants to prepare a critical analysis with a balanced conclusion.
  • For an interview, it gives the aspirants insights into various al issues which can add weightage to the answers in the interview.
  • It gives the aspirants a multidimensional approach.
  • The aspirants can get a complete analysis of a topic at one place.
  • It provides the aspirants with the value-addition material (like quotes, latest phrases, cases studies, real-time examples).
  • In newspapers, the issues are covered in a scattered manner as per daily updates while in magazines the issues are covered in a comprehensive manner along with background and a possible way forward.
  • It can really prove beneficial and minimize the time required to cover the wide syllabus of UPSC.  


IAS Testimonial

The IAS Gazette Magazine

To download the magazine visit: https://www.iasgyan.in/ias-gazette-magazine


  • YOJANA: It is a monthly journal devoted to socio-economic issues published by the Publications Division of the Union Ministry of IB. Since it is a government publication, the facts and figures are accepted by the government and official in nature. Successful aspirants in the last few years have described Yojana as the best magazine for UPSC preparation. It is particularly important for GS 2 and GS 3 and the Essay paper.
  • KURUKSHETRA: It is also a monthly journal published by the Ministry of Rural Development which focuses on rural development issues like infrastructure, agriculture, tribal population, etc. It serves as an insight into operational aspects and impacts analysis of the programmes and schemes in rural areas.
  • ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY: EPW is a reputed social science journal that brings together leading subject academicians, researchers, policymakers, independent thinkers, members of NGOs and political activists for debates. Although the focus is on economic issues it is multidisciplinary covering areas such as politics, sociology, culture and the environment.
  • DOWN TO EARTH: It is a fortnightly magazine that covers important issues relating to the environment, health, livelihood and economic security. It brings together news, blogs, perspectives and knowledge related to major challenges faced by Indian society. It is particularly important for the environment part in CSE.
  • SCIENCE REPORTER: is a monthly science magazine that is published by the National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, New Delhi. It is a popular platform for exchanging ideas about the state of science in the country, matters of science policy, and discussing the future course science in India should take.
  • MONTHLY REVIEW BY PRS: It is a very good source to prepare all government policies, bills and programmes.
  • WORLD FOCUS: It is an Indo-centric foreign affairs journal. It deals with discussion and analysis of International Issues from an Indian perspective.

It should be noted that magazines are a supplement to the standard books like NCERTs and other standard books and therefore, should be given importance in that order.



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