OPSC OAS Cut-Off Analysis Insights with Apti Plus

As the OCS Exam or OPSC OAS exam date 2023 approaches, many aspiring civil servants are curious about the cutoff marks. Analysing previous years’ cutoffs provides insights into expected marks. Get the inside scoop on OCS Result 2023 and OPSC OAS cutoffs with Apti Plus.

Understanding OPSC cut off can be tricky, but Apti Plus makes it easy. We know how important it is to have reliable OPSC OAS cutoff information so you can optimise your prep strategy. Our OPSC cutoff analysis gives you the insider understanding you need to approach this exam with confidence. With Apti Plus by your side, you’ll have the most up-to-date insights on expected OPSC OAS cutoffs so you can calibrate your performance accordingly.

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jan 15 cut off 2nd image opsc

Know more about OPSC OAS Cut-Off

The OAS topper mark list influences future aspirants’ preparation and can raise the exam cutoff. Analysing toppers’ scores provides insights into scoring patterns impacting difficulty levels and expectations. However, the cutoff also depends on factors like exam difficulty, pattern changes and number of candidates.

For the Odisha civil service exam, cutoffs are decided based on exam difficulty, vacancies and candidate performance. Historically, OPSC OAS prelims cutoff is 35-40% and mains 40-45%. The final cutoff varies category-wise, with the general category having the highest cutoffs and SC/ST/PH having lower cutoffs.

Getting an OPSC OAS exam 2023 rank requires thorough preparation and crossing expected cutoffs. Analysing previous years’ cut off trends is crucial for gauging expected cutoffs and strategic exam preparation.

OAS Prelims 2023 Expected Cut-Off Questions

Candidates are advised to mark their calendars as the OAS Prelims exam date 2023 is expected to be announced in the month of October. With rising competition, experts predict the OAS result 2023 cutoff for general category candidates may be 38-40%. Aspirants should score well above this cutoff to clear the prelims stage. Analysing previous cutoffs and mocks helps gauge the expected scores needed to qualify for mains. Securing a high prelims score builds a strong foundation for the overall OPSC OAS selection.

OPSC OAS Prelims Cut-Off 2022 (expected)

Category Prelims Cut Off 2022
Male Female
UR 90-95 80-84
SEBC 82-88 71-76
SC 65-70 60-65
ST 53-58 45-50

OAS Mains 2022 Cut-Off

The Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) Mains exam for 2022 marked a significant milestone in the selection process for civil service positions within the state of Odisha. As a rigorous assessment, the OAS Mains, coupled with the interview round, serves as a pivotal stage for aspirants aiming to secure esteemed administrative roles. The cutoff scores, which differ across various categories, are crucial for candidates to understand their performance in relation to the competitive benchmark. These scores not only reflect the stringent standards set by the Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) but also guide future aspirants in their preparation strategies. The OAS result 2022 has not been announced as of now. The cut-off marks will be declared with the release of the results.

OAS Prelims 2021 Cut-Off

The cutthroat competition in OPSC OAS 2021 prelims mirrored the swelling ambitions of aspirants vying for prestigious civil service roles in Odisha’s state machinery. Thoroughly analysing the fluctuating prelim cutoffs over the past 4-5 years equips aspirants with data-driven clarity on the approximate qualifying marks needed to crack this make-or-break hurdle in the OPSC selection process.

OAS Prelims 2021 Cutoff

Category Male Female
Unreserved 71.649 62.371
ST 40.722 37.629
SC 51.546 42.784
SEBC 67.526 56.701

OAS Mains 2021 Cut-Off

Encompassing a wide gamut of general knowledge and optional subjects, the multifaceted OPSC OAS mains exam assesses aspirants across diverse domains to gauge their holistic preparation. Diligently scrutinising previous years’ mains cutoffs enables aspirants to objectively self-evaluate their level of acquired knowledge vis-à-vis the elevated benchmarks established by the OPSC for qualifying this crucial phase. Below, you’ll find the inclusive cutoff, considering both the main and interview rounds.

OAS Mains 2021 Cut-off

Category Male Female
Unreserved 1011 1011
ST 732 736
SC 896 897
SEBC 998 988

OAS Mains 2020 Cut-Off

The OPSC OAS mains cutoffs represent a high degree of subject matter mastery and analytical sharpness. This is a prerequisite for the district and state administrative posts in Odisha. Referencing cutoffs from past OPSC exams offers insights regarding the score levels. The score levels reflect the essential baseline preparation required to confront the exam with confidence.

OPSC OAS Cut Off 2020

Category Mains Cut Off 2020
Male Female
UR 1263 1263
SEBC 1244 1245.50
SC 1173 1171
ST 1026 1027
PWD-CAT-I 1163
Ex-Serviceman 1130
Sports Person 1041

OAS Prelims 2020 Cut-Off

Reflecting national patterns, OPSC OAS prelims applications have increased. This is because aspirants acknowledge the job security and social status linked to civil service roles. Leveraging precedents from previous years’ qualifying marks is crucial for applicants. This helps them realistically calibrate their prelims preparation and define ambitious yet achievable score objectives to clear this initial selection gateway.

OPSC OAS Cut Off 2020

Category Prelims Cut Off 2020
Male Female
UR 106.044 96.703
SEBC 102.198 87.363
SC 82.418 67.582
ST 60.989 58.791
CAT-I (VI) 48.901
CAT-II (HI) 14.286
CAT-III (OH) 73.077
CAT-IV (MI) 54.396
CAT-IV (MD) 6.593
ESM 79.121
Sports Person 21.429

OAS Mains 2019 Cut-Off

Past OPSC OAS mains exam cutoffs exemplify the commission’s rigorous benchmarking. This benchmarking is applied to screen candidates to assess their suitability for discharging governance duties across the state. Analysing previous qualifying marks enables aspirants to appreciate the high standards of the exam. The candidates must demonstrate through the OPSC OAS result to prove their worth for Odisha’s civil services.

OPSC OAS Cut Off 2019

Category Mains Cut Off 2019
Male Female
UR 102.041 90.306
SEBC 110.204 88.776
SC 89.796 75.000
ST 73.469 64.286

OAS Prelims 2019 Cut-Off

Attaining a premier preliminary score aligned with historic cutoffs is an essential milestone for OPSC OAS aspirants to progress in fulfilling their administrative services aspirations. The considerable competition evident from past cutoffs highlights the necessity of meticulous, comprehensive preparation even for crossing the preliminary stage.

OPSC OAS Cut Off 2019

Category Prelims Cut Off 2019
Male Female
UR 102.041 90.306
SEBC 110.204 88.776
SC 89.796 75.000
ST 73.469 64.286

Latest UPSC Notifications


Frequently Asked Questions on OPSC Cut Off Analysis

What are the main qualifying marks for OPSC?
The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) conducts the OAS exam for recruiting candidates for civil services jobs. The main qualifying marks candidates need to obtain are the cut-off marks officially released by OPSC for each stage – prelims, mains and interviews. Candidates have to score equal to or above the cut-off marks to qualify for the next selection stage.

The OPSC state civil services preliminary exam consists of two papers – Paper I and Paper II. Each paper is 2 hours in duration and carries 200 marks. Paper I tests candidates on Current national and international affairs, Indian history and historical events, geography including physical, social, and economic geography of India and the world, Indian polity and governance, economic and social development of India, environmental and ecology, biodiversity and climate change, and general science. Paper II evaluates candidates on comprehension skills, interpersonal communication abilities, logical reasoning and analytical thinking, decision-making and problem-solving, and basic numeracy and data interpretation skills.

The preliminary exam cut-off differs based on categories. Generally, the cut-off marks are around 90-110 out of a total of 200 marks of Paper I (GS), with a relaxed cut-off for reserved SC, ST and SEBC categories. Here Paper II (CSAT) is a qualifying paper which requires 33% of qualifying percentage. Candidates equal to 12-15 times the vacancies are shortlisted to mains based on prelims cut-off.
To crack OPSC prelims 1. Focus on thoroughly revising the OAS syllabus and solving previous years’ question papers. 2. Read recommended books and online material covering the entire syllabus. 3. Revise current affairs and practice free online mock tests. It is advised not to take the prelims round casually, as competition is very high due to increased aspirants.

Yes, after qualifying in the prelims, mains, and aptitude test rounds, shortlisted candidates have to appear for a personality test round in the OPSC selection process. The interview/personality test carries 250 marks. In the interview, candidates are evaluated on their suitability for the post through assessment of mental calibre, subject knowledge, confidence, and clarity of thought process.

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