UPSC Cut-Off Analysis: A Comprehensive Look into Recent Trends and Expectations

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) examination holds a special place in India as  one of the most prestigious and fiercely competitive exams. The structure for this exam includes the Prelims exam, the Mains exam, and the Interview round. 

The Prelims exam consists of two objective-type papers – General Studies (GS) and Civil  Services Aptitude Test (CSAT). The Mains exam consist of nine subject papers. Lastly, the  Interview round analyzes your knowledge and communication skills, which are crucial in  determining your overall placement.  

Once the candidate passes the Prelims, they move on to the Mains, and the selected few who  qualify this round move on to the Interview round. 

A key aspect of this exam is the cut off marks, which decide whether candidates move  forward to the next stages. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the recent trends in UPSC  cutoffs. We’ll discuss the projected cut off for UPSC Prelims 2024, the cut off for UPSC  Prelims 2023, and final cut off marks. We will also understand how the personality test and  number of vacancies can affect these cut offs.

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Cut-Off of UPSC Prelims 2023

The UPSC Prelims cut off 2023 for the Civil Services Prelims Examination will be coming  out soon. Just so you know, the UPSC Prelims 2023 result was already announced on June  12th, 2023. Now, everyone is eagerly waiting for the expected cut off, which is projected to  be around 82 to 85. These expected UPSC cut off 2023 results have been calculated based on  analysis of past year cut off marks trends.  

Final Cut-Off Marks

Once candidates have successfully cleared the Prelims and Mains, they are invited for a  personality test or interview. The ultimate selection is determined by the combined score  from the Mains exam and the personality test. The exact UPSC final cut off marks for the  final selection change annually based on overall performance and the number of available  positions. For instance, in UPSC 2020, the final cut off marks were 870 for the general  category, while for OBC, SC, ST, and EWS categories, they stood at 836, 810, 801, and 839,  respectively. 

UPSC Prelims Cut-Off 2022

The UPSC Prelims 2022 took place on June 5th, 2022. It’s crucial to note that only candidates  who scored above the UPSC Prelims cut off marks in the question papers have qualified for  the Mains stage of the exam. Now, let’s look at the UPSC cut off 2022 marks for different  categories:

UPSC Cut Off – IAS Prelims 2022

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that the cut off for IAS, IPS, and IFS remains the same.

UPSC Mains Cut-Off 2022

The UPSC Cut Off marks for IAS Mains 2022 have been officially released by the  Commission. Here are the category-wise cutoff scores: 

UPSC Mains Cut-Off 2022


UPSC Cut-Off - IAS Final 2021

Another past trend we can look into is the cut off results for the UPSC Final scores for 2021.  Here are the category-wise cut off marks –

UPSC Mains Cut-Off 2021


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Cut-Off & Prelims Strategy Videos-

Analyzing the cut off marks from the previous years like 2022, 2021, 2020 and so on will  help candidates get a better understanding of what the future cut off trends will be. This will  help them in their exam preparations and give them confidence for attempting UPSC exams. 

Personality Test and its Impact on Cut-Off Marks

The personality test is very important for the UPSC exam. It’s worth 275 marks out of the  total 2025 marks, which is about 14% of the total score. This interview is crucial when it  comes to deciding the final cut off marks. How well a candidate does in the interview can have a big impact on their overall score and rank. That’s why it’s necessary for candidates to  prepare and show off their smarts, confidence, and good communication skills during the  interview. 

To be well-prepared, candidates should stay informed about current events, excel in their  optional subjects, and have a good grasp of related areas of study. It’s also important for  candidates to work on their communication skills, build confidence, and practice mock  interviews to become familiar with the interview process.

Number of Vacancies ​

The number of available positions in the UPSC examination is really important when it  comes to determining the cut off marks. Every year, the government decides how many spots  will be up for grabs, and this number can change. These positions are spread out among  various prestigious services like the IAS, IFS, IPS, and more. 

The number of vacancies directly affects the level of competition and, as a result, impacts the  cutoff marks. When there are more spots available, it means there’s a higher chance of getting  selected. This can lead to a slightly lower cut off because there are more positions to fill,  which allows for a bigger pool of candidates. On the other hand, when there are only a  limited number of vacancies, the competition gets tougher, resulting in a higher cut off. In  these cases, candidates have to achieve higher scores if they want to secure one of the limited  spots available. 

That’s why it’s crucial for aspirants preparing for the UPSC examination to keep track of the  number of vacancies. By understanding the vacancy trends, candidates can gauge the level of  competition and figure out the benchmark they need to reach in order to secure a spot in their  desired service. 

Expected Cut-Off for UPSC Prelims 2024

Estimating the cutoff for UPSC Prelims or IAS exam is always a bit tricky since it depends  on several factors, like the exam’s difficulty, the number of candidates, and everyone’s  performance. However, looking at past patterns i.e, previous year cut off marks, it seems  likely that the expected cut off UPSC Prelims 2024 will hover around 110-120 for the general  category. Keep in mind that this is just an approximation and the final result can vary based  on those factors we mentioned earlier. We can expect the cut off marks for the UPSC exams  to be announced on the official website soon.

In Conclusion

The analysis of UPSC cutoff marks gives us valuable information about the competitive  landscape and the level of preparation needed to do well in this esteemed examination. We 

have understood that, in the general category, it is expected that the cutoff for UPSC Prelims  in 2024 will fall between 110 and 120 marks. However, it’s important to remember that the  actual cutoff will depend on how difficult the exam is and how all the candidates perform. 

Apart from these factors, there are other things that can affect the cutoff marks. The  personality test, for example, carries a lot of weight and doing well in it can boost your  overall score. Additionally, the availability of vacancies in different services like IAS, IFS,  and IPS can also impact the competition and influence the cutoff marks. 

That’s why it’s crucial for aspiring candidates to study the previous year UPSC cutoff trends,  so they can understand the difficulty level, changing patterns and adjust their preparation  strategies accordingly. By doing so and putting in the necessary effort, candidates can  increase their odds of success in the UPSC examination.

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