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First, there are a few things to keep in mind during each phase:
Aspirants who are confused about how to start preparations for the UPSC should follow these points:
Apti Plus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation presents 2 Year Foundation Course for Undergraduates


UPSC CSE is the most sought-after exam in India for young people as it is the gateway to the most desirable jobs in the country. This can be due to a variety of factors such as outreach, power and status related to civil services.

You need to realize that the competition is huge. Only about 800 out of a million of the applicants made to the final list. CSE require patience and perseverance as well as proper diligence and dedication.

Everyone who wishes to enter civil services should be familiar with the UPSC CSE pattern and syllabus. General Studies form a compulsory component of the syllabus for all three phases of assessment either pre-primary, primary or interview. General Studies contains a wide range of subjects to study, namely, politics, politics, history, economics, environment, disaster management, international relations, ethics, public affairs, governance, science and technology to name a few. Added to this optional, ethics and essay and language papers.

Every determined individual should adhere to the well-known saying “EVERY EXPERT WAS ONCE A BEGINNER”. There is no such thing as overnight success. All the successful people had to go through same phase of hard work for many sleepless nights.

First, there are a few things to keep in mind during each phase:

  • The UPSC does not require specialists in each of the subjects mentioned in the syllabus but requires future public servants to have general knowledge of the topics covered in the syllabus.
  • We have all experienced the natural tendency to compare ourselves with others. When you start something new, never compare yourself with others, especially the successful ones and those who have been doing it for a long time.
  • If one exceeds the mark pattern obtained by students who have excelled in the prelims or senior phase you will find that 55-60% marks can make you do well in the prelims category and 50% marks in the main test with a decent interview performance can bring you the best position in the final list. It does not need rocket science to understand that to get a 50% mark does not require some kind of expertise.
  • Believe in yourself: try, try and try again until you succeed
  • Find the reasons for failure: no one is perfect. focus on both strengths and weaknesses (many aspirants focus on their strengths). Perform a careful analysis of the results of the test series and work on the weaknesses.
  • Be in good shape
  • Be patient: time cures all difficulties and hope is a good ointment
  • Self-esteem
  • Never give up: nothing is impossible, problems are part of the journey that will be solved in the end
  • Acknowledge your success
  • Follow a simple / simple method: Jump to IAS using the appropriate course plan.
  • Stay consistent. It is not like doing hard work for 6 months and then doing nothing. Maintain balance in all areas of life – do not overeat or exercise excessively. Maintain a balance between the vertical and dynamic parts of the syllabus.
  • Don’t believe in gossip: don’t let things get you down and distract you. Focus only on the preparation and not the other.
  • Read from limited sources and review a limited set of books, notes prepared at least 3-5 times.
  • Don’t procrastinate: Many who want to study plan carefully and set monthly, weekly, and daily goals. But, because of procrastination they can’t get rid of it. It leads to the collection of topics to be discussed. It leads to depression and skipping topics and eventually giving up.
  • Do not let fear of failure prevent you from doing something. Winners do not allow fear to interfere with their preparation.
  • Attitude: UPSC CSE is not for the ‘weak’. Stay motivated and stay hungry.
  • Cover the basics first, then go to the middle level, and if only the middle one has been cemented, upgrade things.
  • Don’t ignore the body: keep exercising, keep physically and emotionally fit, pursue your hobbies / passions.
  • Remember that when you work hard, you will have great luck.
  • Lastly, accept the strong truth — that in this test there are only 2 things — one will succeed or fail. Before embarking on a journey, one should be prepared to deal with any unexpected situation / difficulty / danger. Hard times, failures, hardships are inevitable. No matter how strong or powerful you may be, difficult times will come.

Aspirants who are confused about how to start preparations for the UPSC should follow these points:

  • Firstly, one should understand the process and pattern of examination.
  • The syllabus of the examination should be imbibed by referring to it daily. An accurate understanding of the nature, clarity, and scope of the syllabus is crucial for good preparation. It helps in understanding what to read and what not to read.
  • After this one should thoroughly read the past five years’ question papers of both preliminary test and mains examination. This will give a direction to the candidate that what one should focus upon while reading such a vast syllabus.
  • Before you start your preparation, a smart strategy needs to be scripted keeping in mind the details of each step that you have to go through.
  • Then choose the right study material. If one thinks that he/she needs to read hundreds of books, browse tens of websites and prepare notes from five newspapers and ten magazines, this is wrong. The exaggerated actions are neither practical nor necessary to clear CSE. Even if an imaginary person does all what is stated above, there is still chance that he/she not clear Prelims/Mains. So what matters is not the quantity of materials one had gone through, but the quality of learning and revision done.
  • Instead of rigorous studies, studying smartly is the ideal way. What does studying smartly mean? Few easy-to-implement tips to study smart for UPSC Exam:
  • Learn in multiple ways
  • Read multiple subjects in one day
  • Avoid multitasking
  • Take handwritten notes
  • Learn by association
  • Revise periodically
  • Simplify the information
  • Practice tests
  • Know what to filter
  • Read textbooks effectively
  • Don’t cram, understand
  • Read important information out loud
  • Reward yourself
  • Take a break and make those breaks happening but in a way that one gets back to preparation with double the zeal and enthusiasm.

Key Ingredients for success in a nutshell:

  1. Build your own strategy and take the best out of everything available around you.
  2. Evaluating oneself in course of preparation, understand your strengths and weakness; work over it.
  3. Hard work is the ultimate key for success. This is the only thing we can bank upon throughout the journey.
  4. Keep calm, be persistent in your goal and always believe why you want to be a Civil Servant, keep remembering that in your tough phases, this way you will not only cross it but you will with flying colors.
  5. Self-Belief: whenever you feel low, talk to your parents, mentors and well-wishers, try to get positive vibes from them.

 Apti Plus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation, has introduced Foundation Courses. These courses are preparation pathways for fresh civil services aspirants aimed at laying the right foundation according to the demand of the civil services exams

Apti Plus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation presents 2 Year Foundation Course for Undergraduates

 “You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure”. Apti Plus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation, provides a single unified 360- degree guidance program meticulously designed for aspirants who want to start preparing early which is right after Class XII Board exams.

Joining Apti Plus Academy’s (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation) Foundation Course will not only save you time in preparation but also make the candidate feel confident and ready for the exam shortly after graduation.

Apti Plus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation redesigns its courses and adapts its teaching to the flexible nature of the test, thus providing comprehensive and appropriate guidance to those who want to be assessed. Apti Plus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation has drawn close members of teachers from all over India, which is why, high quality teaching, individual attention and inclusive education have become a hallmark of the Institute. No one size fits all the way than the standard one. The classroom plan is very flexible. Space & ambience for individual interaction with consultants. A detailed performance analysis of each person wishing to be trained by professionals and academics from time to time. Apti Plus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation, has a library that stores a wide collection of books, journals and magazines. Apti Plus Academy, the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation, aims to resolve a complaint immediately: If in doubt, call or send. Anywhere and anytime. Aspirants can access the classroom with the click of a button.

This 360 degree guidance program, having learning, discussing, testing and revising as its components, not only provides information-static and dynamic but also the art of using this information. Aspirants will have opportunity to watch pre-recorded videos multiple times.

Other features of the programme include learning with peers, personalised counselling under India’s most experienced mentors, weekly sessions to remove doubts. Testing aspect includes classes being followed by an MCQ discussion of Prelims and a discussion of the Subjective Question for Mains. UPSC Prelims Level and Main Test Series add feathers to the programme.

One can revise through updated classroom material, IAS GYAN study materials, Prelims / Mains Xpress and lots of other resources with Apti Plus LMS.

What aspirants should do?

  • First and foremost, as any solid civil engineering structure needs a solid foundation it is equally important to fix the essentials. So, one should start with NCERT.
  • Do not run for too many sources. Limit the first stage of preparation for these books. Keep in mind that the goal is not to know the quantity of books available on the market but to achieve the UPSC CSE by making smart arrangements.
  • Now, aspirants can ask what should be covered and what should not be? The answer is very simple. You need to do two things. First, examine the syllabus. It should be on your tips. Second, go through the questions of the past years to get a solid idea of ??what is being asked and how it is being asked.
  • Remember, this is a slow process. It will take you at least a month to adjust to the situation and get clarity on things.
  • Once you have covered NCERTS, start basic mcq tests. Apti Plus Academy’s (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation) provides daily prelims quiz on IASGYAN website
  • For the main ones, start by exercising yourself back at the end of the chapters given in NCERT.
  • The next step would be to add preparation and current affairs.
  • Finally, after building a solid foundation for the first 6 months (entirely with NCERT with multiple reviews) jump to the standard books that need to be covered.
  • This should be included with additional current news sources such as government websites, pib, budget, economic survey, EPW etc.

Learning Outcomes:

  • The Apti Plus (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation) works as a beach light.
  • Preparing for the CSE requires a well-planned and well-designed approach and Apti Plus (the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation) is excellent at its execution.
  • Incorporates a spirit of competition and fighting, dedication and motivation for success
  • The Apti Plus ecosystem(the best online coaching for UPSC CSE providing the best online UPSC CSE preparation) empowers in the sense that it enhances one’s cognitive skills


First year: Coverage of entire Syllabus (Both Preliminary & Main Examination)

Second year: Optional Subject and Test Series is included.

 Validity: 2 Years


Akhilesh C Srivastava General Science and Science and Technology
Amit Kumar Bose IO, Social Justice, Social Issues
Amitesh V. Security, Current Affairs, IR, IO
Ayussh Sanghi Economics
Deepak Gauda Polity and General Science
Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari Environmental Sciences and Science and Technology
Neeraj Nachiketa General Science
Praveen Dixit History and Culture
Priyesh Singh Sengar Indian and World Geography
Raj Keshari CSAT
Ravi Pathak Polity and Governance, and General Science
Satveer Singh Science and Technology
Sachin Jain


Sanjay Bharadwaj Modern History
Sanjay Singh Ancient and medieval history
Shweta Singh Essay, Social Issues and Social Justice
Vivek Kaushik IR, Polity and Security.


Courses Offered By APTIPLUS (Best IAS Coaching in Kolkata)

Offline Classes Fees For IAS/UPSC Coaching in Kolkata & Bhubneshwar:-

Course Name



General Studies Prelims-cum Mains + Essay + CSAT+ Mock Tests 2023 10-12 months 1,30,000 (Both Online & Offline)
NCERT COURSE 02 Months 35,400/-
Optional Course (Sociology, Geography, Public Administration, Political Science & International Relations.) 03 Months 35,400/-
Prelims Test Series 2023 (total 60 tests & 12 month’s subscription of IAS GAZETTE) 365 Day’s Online Tests-Rs. 7,900/- & Offline Tests- Rs. 9,999/-
Mains Test Series (Covering 14 tests) 365 Day’s Rs. 18,000/-
Mock Interview Programme After Mains Result Free DAF analysis and interview material for the selected Candidates.
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