UPSC Prelims Subject-Wise Weightage


UPSC Prelims Subject-Wise Weightage

Through this stage the following qualities are assessed.
• CLARITY OF MIND: A civil servant entrusted with the responsibility of the society should have a mind which is very clear on its thoughts to take a just and lucid decision. Similarly mind should be strong and solid enough to be able to withstand stress and answer the questions in a balanced manner.
• SPEED: An administrator has to take big decisions and that too immediately.
• DECISION MAKING: An administrator’s success depends on how many correct decisions he could take in his life as they affect the country and its people.
• MEMORY: should be able to sort out what it requires even in the foggiest situations.
• FOCUS: Concentration is a forte of an administrator’s mind.
• AWARENESS: civil servant should be aware of the times, its requirements and the technology and means available, to make a good decision. Civil servant is expected to observe things that happen around you and retain them. Undoubtedly, such a mind would have a store of information and knowledge that he could use as raw material while taking a decision. Such a mind would be rational, continuously working and progressive.

Scheme and Subjects for the Preliminary Examination
The Examination shall comprise of two compulsory Papers of 200 marks each.
1. Both the question papers will be of the objective type (multiple choice questions) and each will be of two hours duration.
2. The General Studies Paper-II of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination will be a qualifying paper with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.
3. The question papers will be set both in Hindi and English.

Syllabi for the Examination
Paper I (200 marks) Duration: Two hours
• Current events of national and international importance.
• History of India and Indian National Movement.
• Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
• Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
• Economic and Social Development-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
• General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change – that do not require subject specialization.
• General Science.

Paper II (200 marks) Duration : Two hours

  • Comprehension;
  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills;
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability;
  • Decision making and problem solving;
  • General mental ability;
  • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. — Class X level);

Note 1 :Paper-II of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination will be a qualifying paper with
minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.
Note 2 :The questions will be of multiple choice, objective type.
Note 3 :It is mandatory for the candidate to appear in both the Papers of Civil Services (Prelim)
Examination for the purpose of evaluation. Therefore a candidate will be disqualified in case he/she does not appear in both the papers of Civil Services (Prelim) Examination

UPSC Prelims Cut-off Marks – Over the Years

Year Cut-Off-Marks Percentage
2005 284/450 63.11
2006 282/450 62.66
2007 256/450 56.88
2008 244/450 54.22
2009 250/450 55.55
2010 248/450 55.11
2011 198/400 49.5
2012 209/400 52.25
2013 241/400 60.25
2014 205/400 51.25
2015 107.34/200 53.67
2016 116.00/200 58.00
2017 105.34/200 52.67
2018 98/200 49.00
2019 98/200 49.00
2020 92.5/200 46.61
2021 87.54/200 43.77


Subject-Wise Weightage:


Preliminary Examination of the Civil Services Examination for UPSC CSE recruitment 2023 to the Services and Posts mentioned below will be held by the Union Public Service Commission on 28thMay, 2023.
What should be the approach for Prelims Preparation?
Aptiplus Academy, the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, the providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2023 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN suggests that you follow the SMS Approach (S: Study Material, M: Mocks, S: Strategy)

Study Material to clear the exam:
Aptiplus Academy, the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, the providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2023 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN provides a number of initiatives in this regard.

Mocks to clear the exam:
Mocks are nothing but practice/trials that one takes before the final battle.

Open UPSC Prelims Mock Tests: (free of cost)
Gauge Your Preparation, Ace the Play and Reach Your Target with APTI PLUS Academy’s (the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, the providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2023 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) ‘PRELIMS MIRROR’: ALL INDIA UPSC Prelims Mock Tests 2023. Test yourself through biggest All India UPSC Prelims Mock Tests before UPSC tests you and find where you stand amongst the real competition.

Online test series for UPSC Prelims 2023:
Apti Plus Academy’s (the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, the providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2023 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN) Online test series for UPSC Prelims 2023 is a stepping stone to crack the UPSC Prelims examination

Learn, Revise, Evaluate, Improve and Succeed by evaluating yourself before UPSC evaluate you!

Due to the dynamic pattern of UPSC CSE prelims in the recent years, it is necessary to reorient the strategy to changing needs of the exam. One of the flagship programs of Apti Plus this course has been designed meticulously ensuring extensive in-depth coverage of GS syllabus moving towards current affairs based tests and finally CSE simulation through full length tests. This makes sure that aspirants can handle the different facets of the UPSC Prelims Paper and be exam ready with all the ingenuities and expertise in order to cope with any surprise that UPSC throws at them.

The test series is structured and designed in such a way that it will guide the aspirants to comprehensively cover the key concepts and valuable information required for UPSC CSE from all important sources be it be NCERTs or the standard reference books.

Current Affairs based part of the IAS prelims test series will enable aspirants to cover, learn and evaluate themselves on all the important current affairs from examination perspective. These tests will cover all the important sources be it the newspapers, government sources like websites, magazines, reports, acts, schemes, international standard sources etc. Finally, the full length tests under this IAS prelims test series program will make the aspirants exam ready by training them in simulated UPSC environment.

Decimate UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 with full length tests, tests on PYQs and current affair tests. Curated by India’s most adroit professionals & renowned academicians with vast experience in UPSC. Increase marks through in-depth analysis & corrective measures and Detailed Test Report with All India Ranking. Full flexibility as aspirants can take Tests anytime and anywhere. Closely Aligned to UPSC SyllabusUnderstand requirements & prepare effectively according to the demands of the examinationDon’t miss out any topics of the Syllabus & get complete coverage

Also available are subject wise tests under the STEP UP Programme 2023

Aptiplus’s Integrated Test Series-The Best Test Series For UPSC Civil Services Exam:
Choosing the right Test Series Programme is crucial for success in the UPSC examination. Integrated Testing accommodates all the phases of UPSC under the same roof and inculcates a deeper understanding of the syllabus. They easily fit in our pockets and provide effective results too. Keeping this in view, APTI PLUS Academy has meticulously structured its Integrated Test Series (ITS) Program for CSE 2023 in order to provide a real-time exam experience to the aspirants. With an in-depth coverage of the syllabus, the tests have been designed to cover the entire static and current portions comprehensively. The tests strictly adhere to the latest UPSC trends and patterns.

Daily Prelims Mini Test:
Aptiplus Academy which is rightly said as the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2022 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN provides this section which contains MCQs from newspapers like The Hindu, Indian Express as well as from the static subjects on rotational basis. Solving these everyday will help you in revising the daily news as well as it will sharpen your elimination skills which are extremely important for prelims. Solving these MCQ’s will help you both in understanding as well as remembering what is important in terms of exam perspective. The questions level are up to the UPSC and special attention is given to cover as many area as possible that can be asked in UPSC Prelims Examination. For the better understanding explanations are provided in detail for students to remember. Solving daily quiz along with the Prelims Test Series can prove quite useful when a student will appear in the real exam i.e UPSC Prelims Examination.

Smart Study to clear the exam:

UPSC IAS/IPS Classroom Programme-2023: Batch-1
Known for its academic excellence, Aptiplus Academy which is rightly said as the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2022 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN has always provided a unique learning experience to enrich those who want to enter the UPSC through its long-term courses and programs. Years of expertise, research and analysis has driven APTI PLUS Academy to begin developing a Virtual Classroom Program (Live / Online) in line with the changing demands of the UPSC preparation process.

The program is carefully designed by Indian experts with extensive experience in the field of Civil Services Examination. It is a very comprehensive program developed by Aptiplus Academy which is rightly said as the best IAS coaching in Kolkata and the best IAS coaching in Odisha, providing the best online test series for UPSC prelims 2022 through the best online platform for IAS preparation/ best website for Civil Services Preparation, IASGYAN where the best quality education is delivered directly to your home by Top Indian teachers. As we all know, Reading is no longer tied to a regular school or classroom. It removes boundaries and barriers, both social and physical. Our aim is therefore to simplify the process of preparing for the UPSC and to provide a platform that best suits job seekers and professionals and leads them on the path to success.

Distance Learning Program
Distance learning aims to create and provide access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by space and time. It primarily caters to the need of aspirants who are unable to join regular coaching classes due to major reasons but have ardent desire to become a civil servant. Out-stationed & working aspirants, who are unable to join Classroom Program should not be deprived of the valuable guidance and motivation provided by India’s most renowned faculty members & mentors. Thus, the importance of Distance Learning Program cannot be emphasized enough.

Home Learning Program
Years of expertise, research & analysis of Civil Services Examination has driven APTI PLUS Academy to embark upon developing a Virtual (Live/Online) Classroom Program that is in line with the changing dimensions of the UPSC preparation process. The program is meticulously designed by India’s most adroit professionals having extensive expertise in the field of Civil Services Examination. It is the most comprehensive program developed by APTI PLUS Academy in which the best quality of education gets delivered straight to your home through India’s Top Educators. Objective is thus to simplify the process of UPSC preparation and provide a platform that can best suit aspirants and professionals and lead them to the path of success.


From the above trends it can be noted that there are 3 major areas that needs to be focused upon:

  1. Maths and basic numeracy
  2. Logical and analytical reasoning
  3. Reading comprehension

This blog is particularly for those aspirants who are strong in the GS paper 1 but weak in the CSAT paper.


  • GS Manual Paper-II by TMH
  • Concise CSAT by Madhukar Bhagat – TMH Publications
  •  Cracking the CSAT Paper 2 – Arihant Publications
  • Word Power – Normal Lewis


  • Devote time for GS Paper 2 (CSAT) so that you ensure 33% marks in the paper.
  • Adopt a smart approach and work on topics that seem doable for you.
  • Build your Paper 2 skills – particularly on fast reading and comprehension.
  • Concentrate on Reasoning section and practice CSAT papers on a daily basis in order to clear the first stage of the exam cycle.
  • The UPSC CSAT paper is of Easy to Moderate level.
  • The questions can be solved easily with common sense, basic logic and language skills. But what people generally lack is –
    • Enough Practice
    • Accuracy
    • Speed
  • Practice is the key here – which brings both speed and accuracy.
  • For Maths portion focus should be on
    • Linear Equation
    • Number System
    • %
    • profit loss
    • SI-CI
    • Ratio Proportion Variation
    • Speed Time Distance
    • Work
    • Averages, Alligations
    • Data Interpretation
    • Geometry: Area Volume Perimeter
  • To sharpen and improve your comprehension skills, read the editorials, articles, columns etc. with more attention. Work on your vocabulary by referring to the book Word power by Norman Lewis
  • Spend time with passages in the TMH book
  • Solve all the previous year CSAT passages.
  • For logical reasoning portion, skill of ‘objective reasoning’ is needed. Here the questions are pretty basic in nature. For this refer to the TMH book and practice a lot including the Previous Year Questions.
  • Attempt at least 2 full length mocks every month.

Aspirants should remember that even though the exam is qualifying in nature, many candidates neglect the CSAT and score exceptionally high in GS Paper I but loose the opportunity to crack the exam. So, start with reading the syllabus carefully and going through the previous year papers. Do a SWOT analysis, know the topics those are more familiar to you, do more practice on those topics and finally attempt more mock exams to boost your success rate.

Remember that, a person who is able to manage other spheres of his life efficiently without losing his disciplined routine is a suitable candidate for CSE.





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